GTKY Chapter 15

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Chapter status: EDITED.

Laine's POV

Will and Dalton have been aloof lately. They always had their thing together, and they wouldn't even tell us what! They would always talk during rehearsals, and they seem bothered with whatever they're talking about. I tried asking Will, but it's either he changes the topic or tells me that it's a guy thing whatsoever.

It's Saturday today, five days 'til Christmas, and me and Tique decided to hang out at her place, since Alex and Gabe has their thing and Cassidy has to run errands at home.

"Have you talked to Will yet?" Tique suddenly asked out of the blue. We are watching Frozen in her room.

"He doesn't want to tell me what the problem is, so, no."

"I know right! Dalton looks bothered this past few days, and it feels like he wants to ask something but is too shy to! Seriously, I wanna get pissed at him sometimes but I try my best to understand him 'coz he's a bit weird. Do you think they're hiding something from us?"

I shrugged at the thought, "Most probably. And I know Will, he's not good at lying. He-"


"Someone's call-- IT'S WILL!" I shouted. I suddenly became excited, since it's been a while since he called.

"Argh! I so envy you! Will is calling you while Dalton doesn't even bother to tweet me or something."

I tried to contain the excitement before answering the phone, "Hi, Will."

"Turn to speakerphone!" Tique said. So I did.

"Hey, Laine. Are you and Tique gonna go to the studio today? Alex and Cass are here."

I looked at Tique. She just shrugged. "I--"

"I mean, it's okay if you won't go. You don't have to say yes. But it'll be better if you do, but if you and Tique need some time together, then it's fine," he blabbered continuously.

"You want me there, don't you?" I shook my head as I start giggling like a fool. Hey, don't judge me.

"Uhm, well... Uhh... I... Uhm, yeah. Can you please come?" He asked, expectancy obvious in his voice.

I looked at Tique, as if asking permission if I could go.

But instead of nodding she threw a pillow at my face. "STOP BEING CHEESY! ALONE GIRL HERE!" She shouted then turned Frozen's volume extremely loud as Olaf sings (or should I say, shouts), "SUMMEEEEEEEERRRR!"

"Ow, Tique, turn the volume down!" I turned off the speakerphone and snatched the remote from Tique then turned the volume down.

"Olaf wouldn't be as happy as he is if you keep on getting bitter with this," I said, half laughing as I talked to Will again, "Uhm, hey Will so--"

"THAT'S IT! I FIGURED IT OUT, DALTON! YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN NOW!" Then he started laughing as I hear Dalton shout in the background, "What?! I thought we're in this together!"

"Uhm, Will?"

"Oh, right. Sorry. So, are you gonna come?" He suddenly sounded so giddy.

"Yep, I'll go. Do I need to bring Tique?"

He chukled, "I guess so. Dalton's been messing up the dance since he's bo-- HEY GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!"

What is happening? According to my observation this past few days, they like to snatch Will's phone.

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