Chapter 2

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"Hi, I am here to meet Mr.Siddharth," I asked the receptionist. Harish stood beside me and Kavya hold my hand for support.

"Mr.Siddharth is in a meeting with the CEO. Its going to take time. Can I pass it for you?" she asked.

"No, its fine. I will wait," I said and went to the waiting area. Harish and Kavya waited with me. I sat there thinking of all the possibilities of what he is going to say.

"Ananya, what do you plan on doing for the dance battle next week?" Kavya asked me with a worried look.

"Can me cancel my name from that battle?" I said controlling myself.

"Are you sure? You got this chance after a long time of trying and now..." she stopped midway.

"I can't kill a innocent child for my selfish reason," I said.

"But, if you cancel your name now, they will blacklist your name. You....can never take part in this competetion after this," Kavya tried reasoning, but nothing went inside my head.

"But what if this guy doesn't want to take responsibility for this?" she asked me the question that I wanted to avoid the most.

"Kavya, can you stop talking? You are so annoying," Harish said, when he realised the question she asked me is hurting me.

"What? I am trying to help her. As I said, if you withdraw from the battle now, the organisers will blacklist your name. And you can never dance in that battle anymore," she repeated, adding fuel to the fire.

"I heard it the first time, you dont have to repeat," I said, quite frustrated with the situation.

I rested my head on the headrest and closed my eyes. Tears fell down without my concern.

"Ananya, we are here for you. Don't worry," Harish said. I know that's all he could tell. It was obviously my fault to have drunk without control. I could not blame anyone for my mistake.

After half an hour, the receptionist informed that I can meet him now. I went inside his office and Kavya and Harish waited outside for me. I knocked the door.

"Yeah.. What can I...." His smile vanished when he saw my face. That moment I regretted going there.

"I can know that you recognise me from that look of yours," I smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, I....saw you that morning," he said. His confused look told me that he was wondering how I knew him.

"I found this beside the bed that day," I put his business card on his table.

"I am sorry, I left early that day because I was too embarassed to face you." He said.

"Its okay. Even I wouldn't have wanted to meet you if its not important," I said.

"Hmm what is it?" he asked me. "I am....Pregnant," I said and quickly looked down, afraid of his reaction.

"What???" He abruptly stood from his chair. "Are you sure its my child?" he asked me.

"Just because I had sex with a stranger, that doesn't mean that I am slut," I said, angrily. Why does he have to ask that question? Do I look like someone who would go around sleeping with others.

"No, I am sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I am just too shocked," he said.

"So, what are you gonna do? What are we going to do?" I asked him with tears in my eyes.

"You went to the hospital to check?" he asked and I shook my head. I found out using pregnancy kit.

"Maybe its just a false alarm. How about going to the hospital to check first?" he said and I was shocked. I never thought of this possibility. Even though its just 10 percent possibly true, I still want to believe that.

"How about I come with you to check tomorrow?" he asked me. I never thought he would be genuine enough to follow me to the check-up. I just nodded and went out.

The next day, he picked me up from my office with his car. Kavya and Harish was too worried to let me go alone but I insisted on going alone.

"How did you know, I mean, when and how you realized that you was pregnant?" he asked with hesitation.

"I was scared from the day we... you know did that. I just wanted to make sure nothing goes wrong. But, my biggest fear became true. The first time I took the test, it showed negative. But, the second and third was positive," I said, looking outside the window.

"Does anyone else know about this?" he asked after a while.

"My friends know. I am not dared to tell my family about this," I said and he nodded. All this while his focus was only on the road.

I went to meet the doctor and Siddharth went to park the car. The doctor had the nurse to draw the blood from my body. I waited anxiously outside the doctors room. Siddharth joined me after a while and gave me a smile.

Okay if I was not scared as hell, I would've agreed on the fact that his smile is so warming. His face is so handsome and his jawline couldn't be any more perfect.

"Ms.Ananya, the doctor is calling you," the nurse said. I stood up slowly but I was afraid to take any steps forward. Siddharth held my hand in his hand and gently squeezed to assure me. It meant a lot to me.

"So, congratulations Mrs.Ananya. You are 5 weeks pregnant," the doctor said without even giving us time to breathe. When Siddharth heard that, he got up quickly and left the room. I guess he was too disappointed.

"Your husband doesn't seem happy, Mrs.Ananya," the doctor said after Siddharth left.

"No doctor. We didn't plan to have any children now. That's why he reacted that way," I lied to ease the situation.

"Not everything goes as we planned. Sometimes we have to play along with God's plan too. You might see this as not suitable time, but there must be a reason why god give you this child now. In my experience, I have seen many couples trying to become pregnant for a few good years but couldn't eventhough both are perfectly fine. So, there must be a reason this to happen," the doctor said and I thanked her before leaving.

I went outside to check whether Siddharth was still there. I realised his car was missing. I mentally sighed and took a cab home.

"He just left? What a jerk he is," Harish erupted in anger over phone.

"I am on my way to home in a cab," I tried to change the topic. He understood and didn't push me further.

I went home and crashed on my bed. I heard a knock on my door. I quickly wiped my tears and went to the door. I saw Priya, my so-called younger sister standing on my door. I wonder what someone who hated me in her sight is doing at my room door at this hour.

Thank you for reading❤ I hope you all liked this chapter. Comment down below what do you think of this chapter?

You think Siddharth is a jerk just as Harish told right?

And what is Priya doing at Ananya's room?

Wait for my next update to find out. Hehe😂

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