~Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future~
Ananya POV
He left me. He left me alone, but that is what I asked for right? I shouldn't blame him for leaving me alone when he just did what I told.
I pulled my knees close to me. But, after a while, that position became difficult as there was a small bump. I let out a huge breath out, hoping all my stress and anger will go out together with that breath.
I pulled myself up and went to the bathroom. My face was so pale and my eyes were swollen and red from all those crying. My throat was dry and I immediately needed water. I washed my face and tied my hair again in a ponytail.
When I went outside, I expected Siddharth or Sandhya to be there. But, the living hall was empty. I decided to give my thirsty self some water before checking on them.
I knocked on Sandhya's door and after a while, a sleepy Sandhya greeted me. I think she has already fallen asleep.
"I am sorry, I didn't know you fell asleep already," I said. She kept analyzing my face, clearly because of my red eyes and pale skin. She pulled me into a tight hug.
"I wanted to check on you, but Sid said you wanted to be alone. Thank god you are okay," she mumbled.
"Urmm where is he?" I asked slowly.
"I don't know. I heard you guys fighting and he came out crying. He asked me to take care of you and then went out. I don't know where he went," she said and I sighed.
"I am going to go out for a while. I will be back in a while," I said.
"Where you want to go? I will come with you," she said and I shook my head.
"No Sandhya, you can go sleep. I am just going for a walk. I feel suffocated. I just want to clear my mind," I said.
"Ananya, you are pregnant. It is not safe for you to go out at this hour. Please, let me come with you," she said and I nodded. I am not in the mood to argue. Plus she is just looking out for me.
"Two minutes. I will change and come," she said and I nodded.
Where would he have gone? Did I said too much? Did I hurt him by saying all those things? I wanted to see him and ask him if he is okay? I want to see whether he is okay. I just hope he will come home safe and sound.
"Let's go," Sandhya's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I nodded again. We went down and the road was as busy as ever. I mean, it was 1 in the morning. But, there was still so many cars in the road and the noise was too much. I thought it would be quieter in the middle of the night.
"I am sorry. You were sleeping and now because of me...." I couldn't help but feel guilty. Of course, I didn't ask her to follow me, but what she did was for my own good.
"Hey, I told you, its okay. You are my friend, Ananya. Since childhood the only friend I had was Sid and Abhi and they both are boys. I have always wanted a girlfriend. Two of my closest girl friends betrayed my trust and after that I distanced myself from everyone. After Sid and Abhi, you are my only friend," she said and I nodded.
"So, you want to talk about it? The fight?" she asked. "I mean, if you don't want its okay. I thought it would be good if you let it all out instead of bottling it up," she continued.
"Two weeks before, I met my younger brother, Riddhanth. When I came out of my office, he was waiting for me. I didn't know Siddharth was there watching us. Siddharth saw me hugging him, so he got angry. You remember you asked me what is the problem between us for the last two week and I said I didn't know? It is because of this reason, he was ignoring me. He should've asked me nahh, instead of deciding for himself. Just now, he told me I can go with him if I liked him. He thought Rid was my long lost lover and that I was happy meeting him. He decided that I didn't like him and I would want to leave him," I said, tears pooling in my eyes.

My Blessed Mistake(Completed✔)
Romance"I am pregnant," I blurted. "What???" Harish and Kavya shouted in unison. "Hey kiddo, you gotta lose your virginity to be pregnant," Kavya said. I looked down in embarassment. "Don't tell me you are not a virgin anymore," She said again and I was...