Chapter 22

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~Guilt, Regret, Unforgiveness. The only true burdens we carry that cannot be unloaded~

Siddharth POV

"You are the patient's family?" the doctor asked me. I nodded, too afraid to get words out of my mouth.

"Who are you might be to her?" the doctor asked me.

"I-I am her h-husband," I stuttered.

"Come to my office," the doctor said led me to his office and I followed him.

"Doctor, how is she? How is my child? Is both of them okay? What the hell happened to them?" I asked him as soon as I enter the room. He was quiet for so long already.

"Please relax, Mr..." he dragged. "Siddharth," I said as I took my place in the chair in front of his desk.

"Your wife and child, both are fine. She had the mild symptoms of miscarriage. She...had abortion medicine. But, since she had it in a small amount, it didn't kill your baby. Also, luckily you were quick in bringing her to the hospital. We have to observe her for 24 hours to confirm there is nothing wrong with your baby," the doctor said.

"Abor...abortion medicine? No way!!! She wouldn't do that!!!!" I said. If she took abortion pill, why would she alert me to bring her to the hospital. That is not logic.

"I am not lying. We have already checked. If you have any doubts, you have to ask her," the doctor said and I thanked him before leaving his room.

I went to the ward where she was sleeping peacefully. She said sorry before she lost her consciousness. She apologized because she took abortion pills? She changed her mind later and alert me? I was hella confused. I didn't understand what was going on. I sat in the chair that was beside her bed. I wanted to call Abhi to inform him that we were at hospital, but I didn't bring my phone with me. When I was deep in my thoughts, she stirred in sleep.

I went near her and slowly shook her body to check whether she was awake or not. But, no. She was sleeping, like a child. Where I am dying wanting to know what the hell happened!!!! I went outside of the ward to contact Abhi. I had to borrow an uncle's phone to call him.

"Abhi," the line got connected after a 3 to 4 times calling. Since, they were at hillside, the line was weak.

"Abhi... I am at hospital right now. When you guys come back, come straight to hospital," I shouted as though my voice can reach him directly.

"Wha...pital...why are....happen....okay?" I couldn't get what he was trying to talk. But I know that he gets panicked hearing the word 'hospital'.

"Okay listen, I cannot hear what you are talking, but nothing is wrong. I am going to hang up now," I said and hang up on him. I am already very tensed, and I couldn't take it anymore. For safety, I sent a message to him.

We are in the hospital near the hotel I don't even know its name. Come to the hospital as soon as possible. I left my phone at hotel, so you cannot contact me. We both are fine.


I thanked that uncle and went back to the ward. She was still unconscious. I sat on the chair by her bed again and waited for her to regain consciousness.

I heard the voice of a baby giggling. When I turned back, I saw a very cute baby sitting on the floor, playing with many toys. She looked so happy playing with it. No worries and no problems.

She looked up to me and smiled sweetly. Oh my god, children are truly God's gift to humans. Their one sweet, innocent smile can make us relax no matter what. She looked so happy seeing me and started clapping her hands. I went near the baby so that I could carry her, but... she started walking away from me. I started following her until she reach the cliff.

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