Chapter 9

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~Everytime I trust someone new, they end up reminding me why I shouldn't trust anyone at all~

"I am really sorry. I didn't know you were allergic to peanut. The jelly would not taste good, that's why I brought that. I am sorry," he said with a sad face.

"No, that's fine. I should have told you that I am allergic to it!!!" I reassured him.

"What do the allergic does?" Siddharth asked me.

"I will get fever. But, I ate just a little. Some more I vomited some of it. So, I guess the fever might be a mild one!!!" I said and smiled at Abhi.  After that, we ended the game and everyone left.

"I am sorry guys. We were having fun but now because of me..." I stopped midway.

"Nope, you take care please and call me if anything. Have rest. We will continue this another day!!!" Harish said and I nodded.

"Siddharth, please take care of her. Call us if you need. And, Ananya I am really sorry for this," Abhi said again.

"Abhi, stop apologizing. It's fine!!!" I said again. After they left, Siddharth made me lie down in the bed.

"Siddharth, I am fine. I am not sick yet. I don't want to sleep," I complained.

"But..." he said. "No buts please. If I have fever I will eat medicine. But I don't want to sleep," I said and he nodded.

"Since when you have allergic?" he asked me.

"When I was a child, I had a viral fever. When we went to hospital, the doctor told that I had allergic to peanut. Since then, my brothers have made sure, there is no peanuts in any of my snacks or food. It's been so long since I had fever because of allergic. It's always my brother who protected me," I said and smiled, thinking about the love my brothers had for me. I missed them so much.

"I am really sorry. I promise I will protect you after this," Siddharth said and I smiled again.

"Do you have any other allergics?" he asked me and I shook my head negatively.

"That's good!!!" he sighed in relief. After that, we talked about something else. I felt my body temperature rising slowly. He gave me medicine and asked me to sleep, even after I refused so many times. At last, I agreed and drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I saw a note beside my bed that says,

Have dinner. I had some issues at work so I have to go. After dinner, take medicine and sleep. I will be back home late I guess.


I mentally smiled. Maybe having him in my life is not that bad. I went to the dining room and had my dinner. I ate my medicine as per his note and laid on my bed. In this few days, I and Siddharth became very good friends. We got close by sharing a lot of things. I just want things to work between us, because I am really not good about aborting this baby. But, if I have no choice, I have to do it. What if he doesn't like me and wants me to abort the baby.

I really liked him but love? I am not sure. I don't believe in love at first sight. According to me, love only happens when you get to know someone. If things work out between us, I will be happy. I just kept on thinking about Siddharth until I found myself sleeping. The next morning, I woke up Siddharth was not at home. He went to work early, I guess.

Breakfast was ready at the table and I ate it silently. I booked a cab and went to work. At work, I received a message from Siddharth apologizing for not dropping me at work. I messaged him assuring him it was fine.

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