Chapter 25

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~The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from enemies~

Ananya's POV

It's been one week since the trip and Siddharth literally had me on bed rest. I mean one week is already too much for me to get better. But, Siddharth doesn't think so and to be honest, I am bored out of my mind staying at home all day. 

It was just two days ago, I forced him to go to work. He just wants to stay at home and take care of me. I had to convince him for two hours to get him go back to work. He was also worried about Sanjeev disturbing me. 

I can't take any chances with you and our baby, he said.

Also, two days ago before he went to work, he introduced me to the guards that have been secretly following me all this days. There were three of them, Jack, Gilbert and Ben. No, that wasn't their original name and they kept it a secret for some reason I didn't know. Their work still the same, they have to follow me everywhere I go, except this time they will be doing it with me knowing.

I thought they were working under an agency but no. The three of them are friends and they started doing this job together. In the time, I was talking to them, I got to know that they will do it either for short term or long term.

"Hey do you mind following me to the mall? I, urmm I have to buy some things," I asked Kavya on phone.

"Anu, today I have to meet an important client. Don't you remember me telling you that I and Harish have to meet the client about the finance problem?" she said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Sandhya is not at home also. She have a job interview today. I think I have to go alone," I sighed.

"Why don't you ask Siddharth?" she suggested.

"I have to buy birthday present for him, and obviously I cannot bring him along. Tomorrow its Saturday and he will at home. Sunday is his birthday. I can go only today," I groaned.

"I am sorry babe. I think you have to do it alone," she chuckled.

"I guess. Bye. Update me on the meeting later," I said and she laughed.

"I guess you are bored to the point you want to listen about that boring meeting," she said and I laughed. Its true. Being home all day, changing channels to channels is making me go crazy. I can actually go out on the excuse of buying him a present. I quickly hung up on her after telling bye. I freshen up and changed my clothes.

I put on one of Siddharth's hoodie with leggings. It is one of my lazy days. Plus, his hoodies are more comfortable than mine. I think it is one of the hoodie he no longer can fit into.

 I think it is one of the hoodie he no longer can fit into

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I took my bag and double checked for my purse and phone. I locked the door of the apartment and went down. I will tell Siddharth after going to the mall, if not he won't let me go. He will probably freak up if I tell him that I am out of the bed and walking in a mall. How do I make him understand that I already had enough rest.

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