"STOP!!!!" I heard Siddharth voice. I noticed he was holding a broom in his hand, probably to attack me.
"Why are you walking like a thief in your own house?" I shouted at him. "And, what are you doing here?" I asked him again, but in a calm voice.
"I should ask you that. I thought you was a thief or something. You nearly killed me," he said.
"I thought the same. I wanted water so I came to get it. Who knew you will come like this," I said.
"You were so quiet that I thought... Leave it. That doesn't seem like water to me. Could you explain? What is my favorite doing in your hand?" he asked me, pointing to the ice cream in my hand.
"Oh, that is my favorite too. Actually, when I opened the fridge to take water, I saw this. So.... I am sorry. I will replace it tomorrow. Now just let me eat this," I said.
"Oh, I didn't know that was your favorite too. You don't have to replace it tomorrow, if you let me share this one now," he said, smiling. Then, he got himself a spoon and we both started eating it.
"I didn't know pregnancy cravings will be this bad," he laughed.
"I didn't either," I laughed together.
"Don't worry, next time I will get you one too," he said. "Thank you," I replied.
We both talked until the tub of ice cream finishes. I went to bed, with my heart and stomach content.
The next morning, I woke up to noises from the kitchen. I wonder who is cooking. I went out after freshening up and was surprised to see Siddharth cooking with his apron on. Today was Sunday, so we both didn't have to go to work. Yayyy!!!
'How could someone look good even in an apron' I thought to myself.
"Good morning, Ananya," he brought me out of my dreamland. I just smiled.
"So, you can cook?" I asked him. "Yeah, since I have been alone for a long time, I learned cooking. You know, eating from outside can never bring the satisfaction of home-cooked food," he said.
"Yeah... Actually, very good. I don't know how to cook actually," I said, feeling embarrassed. My mother was not there to teach me how to cook. My stepmother, not to mention, will not even talk to me, let alone teaching. Since childhood, I always had someone to cook for me. Even if I like to cook, I still don't know how to cook.
"That's okay. I can teach you if you want," he said and I smiled.
"Then, while you cook, can I clean the house?" I asked him. I was scared to do it, thinking he will get angry if I touch his things or something.
"You don't have to do that. You are pregnant after all," he said.
"Come on, I am just pregnant. I am not a China doll," I said and he smiled. Then, I started cleaning the house. When I moved the TV rack, I found an old album behind it, covered in dust. I think it's been there for a very long time.
"Siddharth, how long it's been since you cleaned the house? This album looks old..." I said and he rushed out of the kitchen.
"OMG!!! You found it!!! Thank you so much, I have been searching this for a very long time," he took the album from my hand and hugged me tightly.
"You don't know how much this means to me Ananya!!!" he smiled, widely.
"What album is..." before I finish, the cooker in the kitchen whistled and he left abruptly. I left the topic and continued with my cleaning.

My Blessed Mistake(Completed✔)
Romance"I am pregnant," I blurted. "What???" Harish and Kavya shouted in unison. "Hey kiddo, you gotta lose your virginity to be pregnant," Kavya said. I looked down in embarassment. "Don't tell me you are not a virgin anymore," She said again and I was...