Chapter 27

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~When life doesn't go the way you want, don't blame God. He is just busy preparing the best gift of your life~

Siddharth's POV

I am really nervous about what is going to happen next. I mean, yes she said she loves me. But, will that be enough for her to marry me? Is she even ready for the commitment. What am I going to do if she rejects me?

Yes, I am going to propose her.

I mean, I wanted to propose her next week. I've already bought the ring and already made all the arrangements. I wanted to bring her to my special place and then propose her. I am just doing it a week earlier that I planned. She was really sad talking about Priya and I thought I could cheer her up with this.

But, what I didn't think about is that if she doesn't want to marry me, then this going to be even more depressing to her. I am not ready to make her feel sad or depressed anymore. I already thought of backing up, but then Abhi convinced me to do this. When she was in the bathroom, I called Sandhya and asked her to pick up the ring I ordered for her on her way back. When I was in the restaurant, I called Abhi and told him that I am backing up.

He scolded me for being such a coward and asked me to continue with it, not so politely, for your information. So, here I am driving with her to the place I am going to propose her. I felt really nervous about what she is going to tell.

"Are you okay?" she asked me for the 7th time already. Do I really seem that nervous?

"Y-Yeah. I mean I am good. I just don't know whether you will like it there or not," I lied.

"Don't worry. You've already done so much for me. And, I am definitely going to like it because you said it's your special place," she smiled and seeing her smile made me smile also.

I just hope the smile will stay on her face even after I propose her. 

I am not that desperate to marry her. Okay, yeah maybe I am desperate because I want our relationship to have a name. I want her to be completely mine in every sense. I want to proudly tell everyone that she is my wife. I want her to introduce me as her husband to everyone without thinking twice. Now, that I love her and I know she loves me back, I don't want to wait any longer.

My hands on the steering tightened to the point my knuckles turned white. I am sure she noticed it because she took hold of one of my hand and squeezed it.

"Siddharth, I don't know whether you are having any problems that you are not telling me or something. But, I just want to tell I will be with you to go through that. I can tell something is bothering you. At first, I didn't wanted to talk about it and ruin our date, but I can't stop myself. Don't be so nervous. We will talk about it later okay?" she said, still holding my hand.

She thinks I am nervous because I have something bothering me? I mean, she is not completely wrong. The thought of her saying no is really bothering me. But, I am sure she is thinking about something else.

I smiled at her reassuring that I am okay. We were near already. We only have like 2 minutes before we reached. 

"Do you mind if I blindfold you?" I asked after I parked the car and her eyes widens. She was shocked because one it is a forest area and two she was scared of falling.

"Don't worry I won't let you fall down," I said again.

"Okay, if you promise so then fine. But, if I fall down, I am going to kill you," she said and I laughed. I took the blindfold from the dashboard and hand it to her. She tied it around her eyes and waited for me. I got off the car and went to her side. I hold her hand and carefully got her our of the car.

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