Chapter 16

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~Life is too short to wake up with regrets~

The next morning, I woke up feeling nauseous. Probably because I overworked myself, both physically and emotionally. I went to the bathroom to throw up, but the door was locked. That's when I noticed Siddharth was not on the bed.

"Siddharth....Siddharth.... Are you in there?" I asked him and I got no response. The urge to throw up kept increasing. I knocked on the door more loudly and this time I heard his voice.

"What is it?" his voice was muffled, probably because he was in shower.

"Siddharth, come out faster!!! I want to throw up," I said and kept banging on the door. I felt something uncomfortable on my throat and I knew I couldn't hold onto it any more longer. I banged on the door one last time, using all my strength. Suddenly, the door opened and I fell onto something harder, but not the ground.

I fell on Siddharth below me and I...I puked on him. Oh my god!!! What the hell have I done. I got up from him when I finished puking. He wasn't wearing a shirt with a towel covering his lower body. He is half naked. And his torso is covered by my vomit. I myself felt disgusted with it.

"I am sorry....I am so sorry. I didn't meant to do it. I am sorry," I said quickly. The first time I saw him shirtless and I couldn't even enjoy the view. Wait... What did I say? Eww how can I say that?

"Urmm, it's okay. Are you okay? Why did you vomit all of a sudden?" he asked me, concerned written over his face. It was not okay. Oh my god. This is so embarrassing.

"It's just morning sickness. I am really sorry about this," I apologized again.

"It's okay... Really!!! It's just that I have to take bath...again," he merely whispered the last word, but I heard it. I felt embarrassed. He went inside the bathroom again and I went and sat on the bed. Why god? Why? I waited for him to finish bathing so that I could finally talk to him about what happened yesterday.

After nearly 15 minutes, he came out of the bathroom. He was now fully dressed. What a disappointment? He was wearing a light blue shirt with black pants with a brown belt. His sleeves were rolled up and his moving biceps was evident with every action he made. He looked extremely sexy. 

I suddenly had the urge to tear his shirt off

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I suddenly had the urge to tear his shirt off. I want to do more things to him. He has not even touched me like that, but here I was thinking about being sexually involved with him. What would it be like to have s** with him. I mentally smacked myself for thinking that. 

"I am sorry Siddharth," I said slowly, suddenly feeling my voice got lost somewhere. "Ananya, I told you, it's okay. It's not your fault. I heard its normal during pregnancy," he smiled to reassure me.

"Not only for that... Also for last night, I think I spoke too many things. I am sorry if it hurted you," I trailed off.

"Ohh that... I am sorry also. I shouldn't have talked like that to you. I know that it hurts you..." he looked down.

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