Chapter 34

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~Every story have a happy ending. If it is not happy, it is not the end yet~

Siddharth's POV

"I am not going to leave Ananya until she tells me what is going on," Vikram muttered under his breath. We started walking back to the place we parked the car, defeated without finding anything. I don't know how is Priya now, whether she is fine or not. Damn, I don't even know whether that bastard is still keeping her alive. As much as I could tell she ruined Ananya's life, without Priya I wouldn't have gotten my Ananya. I don't hate her as much as Ananya hates her.

Of course, I am mad that she made Ananya suffer in the past, but I don't hate her. She is a protagonist in our story without even her realizing. I am sure, even Ananya don't hate her now after she listened to her apology on phone earlier that day. When the day started, I didn't realize this is going to turn out this way. It feels like the morning we went to baby shopping was so long before, but it's only afternoon. At most, it's just 2 in the afternoon. It's going to be two hours since the phone call and we are standing in the middle of the road not knowing what to do.

"Damn Priya, where the hell are you," Vikram mumbled under his breath, but I heard him. Honestly, we all feel hopeless just like him. I can't even imagine how he is feeling right now, considering it is his blood sister kidnapped right now. Vikram kicked the ground in annoyance. 

"Can you call your friend and see whether he found anything or not. How long are we supposed to be standing here without doing anything?" Vikram asked me and I nodded. I took my phone out and was about to dial Aadvik, when my phone rang.

"It's him," I said and answered the phone, putting it on speaker so everyone can hear what Aadvik has found. I just hope it is something useful.

"Sid. I think I found something. Priya have been to the woods behind the church for like three times in the past. Her Uber history is showing it. When I started digging a little more, I found out there is a old cabin that belongs to Mr.Hari, Sanjeev's father. If you walk into woods opposite to the church, you might find the cabin or something," Aadvik said.

"Thanks bro. See whether you can find anything else. Just in case," I said and he hummed in response and hung up.

"I think we can move now," Dev said. His men came from the warehouses and the school when we were waiting for Aadvik's call. We all quickly moved to the woods behind the church. Earlier, we parked in front of the church, so we started walking. We planned to surround the cabin, so that he and his friends will never get the chance to escape.

"I am so killing that bastard when I see him," Vikram grumbled and Dev had to calm him down telling he cannot kill him and all. It was just a 3 minute walk into the woods, and we could see the cabin clearly. Again, it looked like there were not many people around there. But, he could still have a weapon. The men surrounded the cabin and Dev took the lead to enter while we both followed him closely. 

Dev had his gun in position and even Vikram had his one ready. It was an old cabin. Each of the door was creaking and it looked really weak, that it will crumble down at any moment. When we neared the entrance we couldn't hear any noise. I started to doubt it that he is going to be here, because it was really quiet that no one could think someone is being held hostage. Or.... Or he killed her and left this place already? I just hope it is not the case.

We peeked through the small opening of the door and found no one. Dev pushed the door slightly and it made a creepy creaking sound and we all stood in our place. If he had heard this, then he would know we are here. We waited to see whether we heard any footsteps and found none. So, we moved further. The opening now was large enough for us to enter. So, Dev entered first, followed by Vikram and me. When we entered inside, I saw three doors, two on our right and one straight ahead of us. 

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