Chapter 29

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A/N: Do you know why I posted a chapter today even though it is not my uploading day? Do you? Hahahahha I don't know either. I just finished writing this chapter so I thought why not. Enjoy reading.


~Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget~

Ananya's POV

Wish I could say I woke up to the sun beaming at me while the birds was chirping making my morning the most pleasant one.

I wish.

I woke up to my phone ringing disturbing my beautiful slumber. Yesterday, I had a late night thinking about whether or not Siddharth will be happy and whether or not will he enjoy his birthday and so many whether's. It was exhausting. I couldn't sleep at all because I so badly want to do something for him. 

"Hello," I said in a raspy voice to whoever is on the other line. Thank god, it only woke me up. Siddharth just stirred a bit but he didn't woke up. He is a heavy sleeper.

"Don't tell me you are still sleeping," Abhi asked me.

"Yes, but not anymore. Since you are being your annoying self and woke me up in the morning," I whispered to him.

"Heyy, it's Siddharth birthday," he retorted.

"But, the birthday boy himself is sleeping," I said and yawned. I am really tired. I just want to go back to sleep, but yeah it is his birthday.

He sighed before continuing, "It's okay. You being the responsible fiancé, wake up early to wish him," he said.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Wait, how did you know he asked me to marry him?" I asked him, still whispering for your information.

"Duh, I was the one who helped him with it," he said and only then I remembered Siddharth telling me he helped buying the snacks and set up the place. 

"Alright, thanks. Bye," I said and hung up before he could reply. One of my biggest pet peeves is being disturbed from my deep sleep. I sighed and decided to start my day. I looked at the bedside clock to see it was only 7 in the morning. Very early for me.

Sleeping late and waking up early while being pregnant doesn't help me.

I removed Siddharth's hand from my waist and got up without waking him up. Even if I was unlucky to be woke up early, I decided to make him lucky. I slipped out of the bed, much to my dismay and went to the bathroom.

I decided to take a warm bath to get rid of the tiredness I am feeling. After my shower, I put on my clothes and dried my hair. I went back to the room to find him still sleeping, like a baby. He was so adorable like that. 

Did I just say adorable?

I sat on the other side of the bed he is sleeping and waited for him to wake up. I definitely looked like a creep watching him sleeping like that. After a while of me watching him sleep like a creep, he stirred in his sleep, again. But this time he opened his eyes and shot me a smile.

"Good morning," he said in his morning voice which was so sexy. I so want to do something to him because I am feeling horny in the morning itself.

Must be my hormones.

I cleared my throat to get rid of the ideas. "Morning and Happy Birthday," I chirped. I gave him a peck in the lips.

"Thank you baby," he said and got up to sitting position. "Let me go take a shower and come," he said after seeing I already took a shower. I nodded and he gave me another peck in the lips before going into the bathroom. I decided to call Abhi again.

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