Chapter 3

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"Can't believe I am here to see you?" she asked me and I just smiled. I don't want to add any more pressure to myself. She lifted her hand and showed me what was in her hand. It was the pregnancy kit I threw 2 days ago. How did she get that? Did she entered my room? Did she searched through my dustbin? But, how did she found it?

"What are you going to do with it?" I tried to sound brave and calm. But, I was far away from it.

"What do you think I will be doing?" She smirked but I was in no mood to play guessing game with her.

"Please give that to me. Please.." I begged even though I knew she is not going to give that to me.

"Give it to you? You think I would do that? Hahaha you wish. I came here now to tell you that your time in this house is over," she said and went straight to the living room. I cried and rushed after her. "Papa... mama... bhai... Everyone come out. I have something to tell you all!!!!" she shouted on top of her lungs. I begged her not to tell anyone. Soon, my knees gave way and I fell to the floor, crying.

"Ananya, you okay? Why are you crying?" Vikram rushed to me, "What did you do to her?" he turned to Priya.

"Why is it always my fault?" Priya asked.

"Cause its you always blame her for the mistake you did," Riddhant said. Yes, its true. Priya will always blame me for thing I never did in order to get rid of me. But, how do I make them understand that now its all my fault?

"Quiet everyone! Priya why did you shout at this time calling everyone?" It was my father this time. OMG his hatred on me is going to increase now, I thought to myself.

"Everyone see this, can you all recognize this? It's a pregnancy kit. You all know whose it is? Its your precious sister's," Priya said and I shut my eyes tight to avoid seeing my brothers who trust me with their life.

"Ananya, what is it?" Vikram asked and his grip on my shoulder grew tighter.

"Bhai...This...I am sorry bhai" I said and cried out loud.

"No ma, if you want to say something, tell me now. You don't have to be afraid of anyone. You just have to tell me and I will take care of everything for you," he said, sending a hard glare to Priya. This is Vikram!!! My brother!!!! He doesn't treat me like a stepsister. He trust me more than his own sister.

"Bhai...No!!! I am really pregnant. That day, after the business party, I was so drunk and I... I am sorry bhai. I really did not do it intentionally. It was a mistake. Big mistake," I said and cried. He loosened his grip and stood up, leaving me crying on the floor.

"Di, what are you even talking?" Riddhant hold me and helped me to stand up.

"I am sorry bhai, please!!! I really didn't do it on purpose. I am not that kind of a girl. Please believe me bhai," I said particularly to Vikram, because I don't care about anyone else.

"I really didn't expect I will have a shameless daughter like you. What fault did I do to even get you as my child. You really don't deserve to be in this family. This house does not have a place for a shameless human like you. Get Out!!!" My father shouted.

"Pa, you cant do this!!! Even if what she did was wrong, you could not do this to her. Where would she go if you chase her out? She is pregnant after all!!! Pa, please don't do this. Bhai at least you tell him. She doesn't deserve this," Riddhant stood up for me.

"Riddhant, you try to understand. You have a younger sister also. What will happen when people finds out that she is like this? Who will accept your sister after that?" it was my step-mother. Even though her words seem reluctant to let me go, she still had that satisfied smirk on her face. That shows she is happy that I am going to leave sooner or later.

"No. She dont have to go. I wont let her go," Rid said stubbornly.

"Let her go," When Vikram said those word, I literally broke down. I felt my heart breaking into pieces. I have always thought even if the whole world turned against me, I will be fine if my brother is with me. But, I never thought that the day my brother hate me will ever come. And today he hated me to the core. I know for him to say those words will hurt him as much as they hurt me. But, his hatred for me has took over his love for me, hasn't it?

"Bhai, are you even serious? Why do you think like this? It was a mistake!!!" Riddhant supported me.

"Rid, please. I deserve this punishment. I will go out. But, I really want to tell I am sorry bhai. All this while you have stood up for me whenever I made mistakes because it never hurted anyone. But, today I hurted you so much and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. If possible, forgive me bhai. If possible!! Thank you so much for all this day. Thank you bhai. Thank you Rid!!!" I said and went to my room to pack my things.

"Di, please don't go. Stay here. Their anger will subside after a while. Where will you go at this hour? How can you live alone at this situation? Listen to me. I will talk with Bhai and papa. They will.." I cut him off.

"No Riddhant!!! You cant talk to anyone for me!!! I did the mistake and I will accept the punishment for it. Don't worry about me, I will be fine. Take care of yourself and Vikram bhai," I said and finished my packing.

"Why are you all quiet? Is it fair to chase her out for one mistake?" Rid shouted when I got ready to leave the house.

"If you don't want her to leave alone, leave with her," My father said and I stopped Riddhant. I knew he would do that for me.

"Rid, stop right there!!! You cant leave!!!" I said and turned around.

"Everyone have always scolded me for supporting you. They said I am spoiling you. But, I shut them all saying you wont be spoiled because you are my sister. But now? How can you do this to me? How can you do this to the trust I had for you?" Vikram said and I whispered sorry before running out of the house. Not because I am scared to answer. I was too ashamed to even stand in front of him.

I didn't know what to do. I called Kavya and told her everything, crying.

"Listen, my parents went to trip with my uncle. So you can come over here. Don't worry about anything okay?" she said.

"Are you sure? What if they got angry when they come to know?" I asked her.

"We'll do something to manage then. It is not safe for you to stay out. You come here first," Kavya said. "Heyyy, its all going to be alright okay?" she quickly added, when I was quiet.

We both know, nothing is going to be alright!!!! Nothing will go back to normal. No matter how hard I try, I can never go back being the same Ananya, Vikram spoiled too much with love.

Yayy, third chapter. Thank you for reading. Comment down what you think. Vote for this chapter if you like it.

What would Ananya do now? How will she lead her life after this?

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