Chapter 35

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~Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace~

Our patience were wearing down each of the passing minute. It was an awkward silence between us, with Priya lying down on the bed, deep in thoughts and we all surrounding her waiting for Dev to come. 

Finally, the door to the private room opened and Dev came in. He went straight to Vikram bhai and did a bro-hug, which Vikram bhai returned.

"I've filed several charges against Sanjeev. For kidnapping, assaulting and using drugs. But, I need Priya's testimony to make it stronger against him," Dev explained and we all nodded.

"So, Priya, do you think you are ready to talk?" Dev asked and this time, only Priya nodded. She was about to start when I interrupted her.

"You sure you want to talk in front of everybody?" I blurted out, earning a glare from my so-called father. She doesn't know that I didn't let them hear the voice call recording. If she knew, she probably wouldn't want anyone to know.

"Yes, Ananya. I want to tell. I don't want to hide this anymore," Priya said and took a deep breath. "The first time I met Sanjeev was at a party. I fell in love with him," Priya said and I heard Vikram bhai and my father taking a deep breath.

"When I started talking to him, I found out he was in love with another girl. After a while, I found out the girl he was in love was Ananya. I've always hated her because I thought she took all of Vikram bhai and Riddhant bhai's attention. When I got to know that she was in between my love life also, I lost it. I decided to get close to him by telling him that I am her sister. He asked me to help him and I agreed. One day, he called me saying that Ananya is a cheater and that she is having affairs with many boys. I am sorry Ananya, but I believed it. That day at the business party, he gave me a drug saying that it was to make Ananya tell the truth, but it was not. The drug was the reason Ananya became pregnant," Priya said, with tears in her eyes. Siddharth wrapped an arm around my shoulder, comforting me.

"Then again, he called me and asked me to expose Ananya in front of our family. When I refused, he threatened me with the recording of me agreeing to drug her. He said he will tell our family. His plan was to get Ananya out of our house and help her stay with him. But, it didn't work. I begged him to delete it, but he didn't. At last, he asked me to come to the cabin in the woods telling me that he will delete the recording if I came. But, he started becoming violence telling that the reason Siddharth and Ananya got married was my fault. I am sorry pa, ma and bhai. I know what I did was wrong and I can't possibly expect forgiveness from you," she finished.

"Is this how I raised you Priya? Huh?" my step-mother cried.

"Why are you so calm about this?" I heard Riddhant asked me.

"I knew it," I said, trying to keep my calm. Even though I said I've forgiven her, I still can't get over the fact of what she did. It still hurts me and makes me mad. It is not as easy as I thought it will be. Hearing everything all over again, hurts. I AM trying to be the big person here, but it's not easy. 

"Then, why you didn't tell m-me?" Vikram bhai asked, his voice cracking at the end. When I was about to reply, Priya cut me off.

"Because I begged her not to tell you guys. I didn't want you to hate me. The reason I am telling you now is because, I don't want you to hate her forever. You all deserve to know the truth and she deserve love. I didn't realize it before Ananya, but now I want to tell sorry for everything I did. Pa, you will always tell that I am the perfect daughter right? But, you know what? Your daughter was never perfect. All the time, I picked on her because I was jealous. If any one of us is perfect, then it is Ananya. Now I understand why Vikram bhai and Riddhant bhai loves her so much. Only a fool blinded by jealousy like me can hate someone like Ananya," Priya said tears rolling down her eyes.

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