Chapter 24

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~Some people don't like to tell you how much they love you. They like to show you. After all, Action speaks louder than Words~

Ananya's POV

The moment he finished telling me everything that happened, I don't know what to tell. I was speechless. The fact that he chose me over the design he worked so hard on, made me happy and guilty at the same time.

"I don't even know he went to same the college as me Siddharth. I've never seen him before. Two days ago was the first time I met him," I said and he nodded.

"I don't know Ananya. But, after he told me about knowing you since his college days, I had a background check on him. He went to the same college as you but not your year. He was a year ahead of you. So, it's possible you've never seen him," he explained.

"I am sorry," I said, even though I don't know why I am apologizing. It is not like I stole it, but the fact that if I didn't come into his life, his dream wouldn't have been snatched away from him, made me want to curl up into a ball and cry.

"Heyy, it is not your fault. Ananya, the time it happened, I wasn't even in love with you. But, that time I knew that I couldn't lose you no matter what. I knew he wouldn't use my design because it is not his intention. After that happened, I started working on it all over again. In a year or something, I can complete my design again. The project is something I could work on as many times as I want, but you. I cannot lose you. And, I've never regretted the decision I made Ananya. Now, I feel more than happy that I made that decision," he said and I smiled. 

Each and every word he said was genuine and that brought a smile on my face.

"I have something I want to tell you," he said, scratching his neck. He looked like he was nervous about how I am going to react to what he was going to tell. I nodded for him to continue.

"Actually, I paid some guards to protect you all the time. All this while, they've been following you to work and back without you even knowing. I asked them to do it secretly. I know it is like a invasion in your privacy. But, I just wanted to make sure you are safe. Since I couldn't be with you all the time, I had them follow you. I am really sorry," he said and I was shocked.

"I've had people following me without even me knowing? Siddharth, that was creepy," I shuddered at the thought.

"Yeah, I had no choice Ananya. I didn't want to worry you or scare you, so I thought this would be the best for you," he explained.

"Yeah... whatever," I mumbled. He just wanted me to be safe, so there was nothing wrong with that right? Why would I be angry with him for that. After a while I looked up to him and smiled.

"I am not angry. I think just shocked. That was really creepy, but its okay," I smiled again and he smiled back.

"So now, all your doubts is cleared right? Can I continue driving again?" he asked. I nodded in approve. At some point of him telling the story, he stopped driving and parked the car in the side of the road. I know that was really intense for him to relive that, especially the anger he felt towards Sanjeev. I could see the way he clenched his jaw even talking about him.

"Siddharth, I want to tell something. But, I want you to listen without any interruptions okay?" I said. I think we have an hour and half something to reach home. 

"Okayyyyy," he dragged it and that made me laugh. He looked like I was going to tell something bad.

"Don't worry, it's not bad. Okay let me start," I said and took a deep breath. "First, I want to say sorry. I almost killed our baby and I shouted at you for pulling me away from him. I was not in my right mind. Now thinking about everything, I can understand how difficult it must've been for you to see me talking to the man who wanted me in exchange of your design. Second, I am feeling guilty. I know you will tell not to feel guilty but I can't help it okay? Knowing that you lost your two years of hardworks because of me, I feel really guilty. You remember, everytime I talk about Vikram bhai and Riddhant, you will feel guilty. That time all I didn't feel guilty because I didn't think I ruined your life. But, now!!! If I didn't enter your life, everything would've been fine with you," I said and tears rolled down my eyes. Siddharth wanted to speak, but I stopped him.

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