Chapter 28

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~The best thing in life comes from the worst experiences. Don't give up and just wait for your turn~

Ananya's POV

"Abhi, tomorrow it is Siddharth's birthday. What is the plan?" I asked him on phone. Siddharth was in the kitchen cooking lunch for us and I am in the room, talking to Abhi.

It is the next day after he proposed and tomorrow it is his birthday. I already hide his birthday present in a safe place and he had no idea about it.

"Do you have any plan?" he asked me.

"No, I really want to do something for him, but I don't know what to do. What would you guys always do for his birthday?" I literally cried. I don't know how I am going to do this. I really want to do something for him, after what he did for me. I mean, he was so sweet to pick a ring for me and then propose all. 

"Can you please relax? And, normally we won't celebrate his birthday. We will just wish him happy birthday and that is it," he said.

"How am I supposed to relax when I've nothing planned? And, what do you mean you don't celebrate it? Birthdays are supposed to be celebrated right?" I nearly shouted at him.

"Jeez, calm down woman," he said and I muttered a sorry.

"He will always be busy with work and act like he is not interested," he said and I nodded.

"Then, what am I going to do now?" I asked.

"Urmm, I think maybe you could take him on a date," he said.

"What?" I screeched.

"Abhi, I am really bad at planning a date. And, he is gonna get bored staying with me all day for his birthday. I can't do that to him," I said.

"Urmm, alright then. We will do something together then," he said.

"Okay what about the plan?" I asked him. "Oh wait, let me add Harish and Kavya in conference as well, so we don't have to explain to them," I said and quickly added them to the call. I knew Sandhya was taking a nap, so I don't want to disturb her. I will tell her later.

 So, we planned on going to lunch together tomorrow. Then, we can go bowling or something like that. After that we can go dinner and cut cake for him. After that, maybe we all can hang out together. I hung up on them quickly after and went out.

"Just on time, lunch is almost ready. Were you having a nap?" he asked. So, it means he didn't hear anything I was talking. Good.

"Yeap. I'll go get Sandhya," I lied and went to Sandhya's room. I knocked on her door and her door burst open. She pulled me inside and locked the door behind me.

"Why you didn't involve me in the planning?" she asked and I mentally face-palmed because of her excitement.

"I didn't wanted to disturb your na.... Wait how did you know then?" I asked and her glare still stayed in her face making me want to laugh.

"Harish told m..." she clamped her mouth shut using her hands after saying that like she had said something she shouldn't have. I gave her a suspicious look that screams 'spill'. There is nothing wrong in her talking to Harish but why she doesn't wanted me to know?

"Urmm, Ananya, I have to tell you something," she was dragging. I was confused with her behavior.

"I don't want you to judge me okay?" she asked.

"Why would I judge you Sandhya? You are my friend," I reassured her. 

"Okay, so... I.... You know....." she took a deep breath. "HarishandIareseeingeachother," she said in a breath and I couldn't catch what she said.

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