Chapter 1

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Buck's POV

Waking up at 4a.m is not something i like. Waking up from beautiful dream where Eddie and i are happy together is not the best way to wake up. Maybe i should tell him already, but again, how to tell your best friend you are in love with him.

- Turning to the side, Buck reaches for his phone, one missed call, Eddie. Without thinking what time is he calls his best friend / his crush since the day he came into the station. -

"Diaz." - Eddie said with a sleepy voice.
"Hey, you called?." - Buck replies.
"What time is it? Dude, it's 4:15a.m. 4:15 in the morninig!" - Eddie screams, "There's better something big you have to tell me, or i will never forgive you waking me up from the best dream i ever had."

- What dream, Buck thought, did he dream about me, about us? Naah, he shakes his head. -

"You called me, i just replied, something happen?" - Buck answers.
"Yes, idiot i called you last night. To check on you. You were strange at work, and Christopher wanted to wish you a good night, but you were busy i guess."

I am an idiot, Buck tought, i should tell you that i love you and that you are the reason i'm acting strange. That i can't think straight when you are near me, that i only think how i touch you, kiss you, feel you.

"No." - Buck slowly replied. "I wasn,t busy, i just was off whole day, and i passed out at 8p.m. Sorry i wake you up, won't happen again."
"It's okay, no worries." - Eddie replies, "Now please let me sleep, at least 2 hours more." - he giggles.
"Sure, sleep thight." - Buck says and hang up, in his mind he adds "my love".

- Turning on his back, Buck close his eyes, but only what he sees is Eddie's beautiful smile. Thinking about Eddie, Buck sleeps again. -

Around 8a.m his phone rings, Buck reach for his phone with his closed eyes to shut down the alarm, at least he thought. One little look at the screen, he saw Eddie's picture.

"You giving it back, Diaz." - he says, soon he picked up.
"What?" - Eddie answers. "Haha, no, you are late, dude!" - Eddie yells.
"Late? What time is? Jesus it's past 8a.m!" - Buck shouts, "Cover me, please."
"I have your back, always." - Eddie replies and hang up.

Late, again, it's the 4th time this month. Thanks to God, Bobby still didn't noticed, or better thanks to Eddie. That guy is the best in covering and lying for me, no wonder i love him more every day. I wish i can tell him, i wanna be with him so badly, but no, i can't tell him, i don't wanna loose him.

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