Chapter 4

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I stare at the heavy thing on my finger as a waiter brings us our food. I haven't spoken in the last 30 minutes, but I could care less. Candy came back after I agreed, but she only stayed long enough to get her own ring.

Hers is a gold star compared to mine. Must have cost a small fortune. My salad sits in front if me, but I have no urge to eat it. Kyle happily eats his steak, nit caring that I'm in a million pieces.

Who is this man? What happened to my wonderfully sweet boyfriend? I don't know this man and I don't want to. I pick at my salad and munch on it. I'm sick to my stomach with gut wrenching disgust and shame. I hate myself.

After dinner, Kyle walks me out to his car and opens my door. I stand there and stare at the seat. I don't want to go anywhere with this man, and he can't make me. I'm an expert gymnast and I'm sure I could hurt him if needed.

Kyle growls and shoves me, bashing my head off the top before I hit the seat. He slams the door shut behind me and gets in the car himself. I sit up straight and put my seat belt on.

Warm blood slowly drips down my forehead, and I know I've been cut, but how deep? Kyle starts driving to his house and I'm to scared to object. I still feel the sting on my cheek even though that blood has dried and became crusty. The burning sting on my head makes me slightly dizzy.

Kyle tells me to stay in the car before he storms into his penthouse. When he leaves my vision, my body racks with heart breaking sobs. What on earth does this fucking accomplish?

I pull out my phone and fumble blindedly for my fathers number. Maybe, just maybe, this one time he will actually give a shit. I sob as the phone dials for a minute.

"Mr. Quinzel speaking." I cry out at the sound of his voice. Who knew the dark could be so inviting? "Harleen? What on earth are you crying about? Did he propose yet?"

I tell him everything that happened at the restaurant, but his response kills my heart.

"I know. He told me he wants to marry that Candy girl, so I suggested he marry you both and use you as an image." My body numbs out any emotion as everything in me dies. The level of absolute betrayal is so brutal that I can't think straight. The pain is so mind numbing that it takes a second for everything to sink in. Then, white hot rage rips through my mind like a firecracker.

"Do you know he beats me? Every time I speak out my mind? Slap. When I wear something I like? Slap. When I defend myself? Kick, slap, punch, repeat. He hut me when I said no. He hit me when I refused this ugly fucking ring. He made me hit my head when I refused to get in the fucking car. He-"

"You deserve it you ungrateful brat." My world shattered for the third time that night. My father, my blood, my family...I freeze at the numbing pain of anger. Is it really my fault? Do I deserve it? No! My conscience states firmly at me.

I'm a strong, independent woman who will not bow down to a fucking coward. I will not listen to this bastard that is my father.

"Fuck. You." I hang up the phone before he can say anything else to me. I will not be degraded in any way. I would rather bath in acid than go through with this. But what about my reputation? My job?

I get out of the car and slam my door shut. Fuck this waiting for however long. I don't know who the hell he thinks he is. He has lost my love, my respect, and now, he has lost my god damn patience.

I storm down the road, fueled with complete and utter rage. I don't want to see or speak to Mr. Quinzel or Mr. Wright ever again. They can kiss my white ass for all I care. Neither deserve my fucking loyalty.

My sperm donor, as I'm calling him now, has never been there for me. He has left me to fend for myself at the young age of 14, and has watched as he stood by mentally abusing me for years.

My now ex-fiance has told me numerous times that I'm pathetic and that I'm completely worthless. He has made me feel fat and let me starve myself for months. He has cut me, beat me, and abused me in every single way possible. And now, I'm being told that I'm to be a side wife while he fucks another woman.

Is she the only other woman? Probably not. I wouldn't be surprised if there have been multiple women in the past. Never in my life, have I been so fucking destroyed.

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