Chapter 11

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I go to my office after the session with Ivy feeling lighter than I did before. I've accepted that the man I loved is gone and has been replaced by a monster. I just have no idea how to save myself before this monster kills me.

I go to the break room after I drop the file off. I need another coffee if I'm going to stay awake throughout the rest of my shift at work.

I make myself a coffee with extra energy before I sit down at my usual table. I've made this my table since I started since I sit here everytime I get myself coffee. Without much else to do, I study the break room since I've never had time to do it before. Either I was reading my files, or I was to caught up in thought.

The walls are the same stone as the rest of Arkham and the floor is black marble. The TV is on the other side of the room with several couches around it. Looking at the couches remind me of last night, so I look somewhere else immediately. A couple tables and chairs like the one I've claimed as my own, and then the small kitchen area next to my table.

Dr. Smith walks in and looks around before he spots me in my corner. He walks over and sits down across from me, and it takes me a moment to notice he isn't smiling like usual. I wonder what upset him, and how I can help. Just because he makes me uncomfortable to be around doesn't mean I can't be a friendly coworker and help out.

I sip on my coffee as I watch him look around the room like he doesn't want anyone to hear what he has to say. It must be really confidential if he's making sure only I can hear him. He looks back at me and I have to fight the flinch my body wants to make. The look in his eyes is so cold, I mistook them for Kyle's for a second.

"What's this I hear about you getting all buddy buddy with Poison Ivy? Harleen," he says my name like an insult, "we aren't supposed to befriend them. Our jobs state that we are to cure them. Nit make their stay here more enjoyable." I slowly take another drink of my coffee as I process what he said to me carefully. I know what my job is and I plan to do it.

In order for them to open up to us, we have to be friendly. No one likes a strict person who believes themselves to be the better person. I live with that daily, so I have a little sympathy for this. No one likes a person that acts like they constantly have a stick up their ass. I am helping Ivy. So what if I gain a friend along the way? All that should matter is that they get better.

I set my coffee down slowly as I think of my response. This is technically one of my bosses and I have to be careful about what I say to him.

"What's wrong with simply being friendly? I still provide her with the help she needs. Why does it matter if we form a friendship along the way? All that matters is that she gets better and can join society again." I don't see the problem. She's opened up more to me than anyone else she's had sessions with.

Except for Selina, but they're dating so it makes sense for them to know the most about each other. I can't help the fact that the only other person that she opens up to is me. She has spoken more to me in one session than she has to anyone else through several sessions. We've become close friends and I don't see the issue as long as I don't abandon my job. I still provide her the medical descriptions she requires.

"You're kidding, right? Harleen, you can't really see her as a friend, right?" He sputters at me in disbelief. "You do know what they all do, so how can you actually want to be around any of them willingly? They are all a bunch of fucked up monsters." I stare at him in complete shock and disbelief.

Isn't he a doctor?! He's supposed to be helping these people! And did he really just insult Ivy and the only people she could ever consider family?! My shock soon turns to anger as he continues to insult them like I'd agree with him. How dare he?!

"She's a literal a freak of nature. You have to see her for the monster that she is." I slam my coffee down silencing him completely. He stares at my seething anger. Not only has he managed to insult the only friend I have in this fucked up world, but he insulted her friends as well. If you're treated like a monster all your life, you start to believe it and eventually become one.

"Let's get something straight, right now, before you continue. That is my friend you are insulting. I will not stand for it, and I refuse to sit here and listen to it. Ivy is a sweet person with a cheerful personality. I'm helping her by being a friend among the backstabbing cold-hearted criminals and\or staff members in the disturbing place. Other than me, I believe Selina is the only other person she has in this world. She opens up to me more and more ever session, so don't you dare sit there and tell me how to do my job, and maybe focus on your own instead." I stand and storm out of there quickly before I do something I'll regret. Like punching him.

He's a doctor to these people right? Shouldn't he show them some support in helping them get better? They aren't helpless and they most definitely aren't lost causes. These people can get better, even if I have to be the one to do it since no one else can seem to do their job.

I'm fuming so badly that I almost turn back around to go slap the shit out of him. I'm not usually a violent person, but I won't sit idly by as someone insults people I care for. Ivy has become my best friend, and so has Selina even though she might not like me just yet. I will defend them any chance I can and I will continue to do so.

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