Chapter 10

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"Hello, Selina." I smile at her and she smiles back, but the slightly clever glint doesn't leave her eyes. I'm happy that she at least smiled at me this time. It means we're progressing further.

I flip open her file and prepare myself to write down everything she says, in case it holds any importance.

"Is there anything you want to talk about today?" She shrugs and looks at the wall to her right. It seems we have made very little progress, if any at all. All I know about her is that she steals for fun and wants to see Ivy. She isn't very opening and I just want something from her. Anything at all really.

"What do you know about me and Ivy?" I'm shocked she asked me a question. I watch her look at me with a calculating stare, and I decide that I'll play her game of questions. Maybe if I open up some, she will do the same.

"I know that she cares for you deeply and that you guys are together a lot." She nods like this is a normal thing for them and it very well could be. I read in the files that they kill people together, like partners of sort. Are they together? Is that what Selina is so defensive about?

Selina looks at me again, and I can see in her eyes that she wants to say more to me. Her eyes roam my face and down my body. It scares me slightly, but I refuse to cower from her. When her eyes come back up to meet mine, I hold her stare and raise an eyebrow in a challenge.

She smirks once before standing and allowing the guards to escort her back to her cell. What just happened? I'm confused by what just went down between us. Does she respect the fact that I wouldn't back down from her, or is she planning to kill me? Should I be proud, or should I fear for my life? I'll have to ask Ivy what that means since I'm going to ask if they're dating as well.

I drop everything off in my office and lock the door as I leave to go to the staff break room. I want lunch, and I have a few hours to kill before I meet with Ivy. The break room is about three hallways from my office, and I keep my head down the whole way there. The whispers haven't stopped, but there's a lot less pointing. Yes, my coworkers had the guts to actually point at me as I passed them.

I make myself a coffee with lots of sugar and creamer before buying myself a salad. I still in the far corner of the room and eat my food in peace. I scroll through my Facebook on my phone and watch funny videos on YouTube.

"And in new light, Kyle and Harleen have announced their engagement..." I sigh and try to block out the TV on the other side of the room. I can't even eat lunch without him haunting me. I think about what he could be doing right now, and my stomach turns at the thought of him possibly sleeping with Candy right now.

Am I not good enough? Did I not show him enough love? Did I not work hard enough to buy the fancy clothing that way I could be seen with him and not look like trash? I ask myself question after question, and I slowly feel my energy dying out. My mood sinks quickly and I stop eating completely.

My mind takes me back to last night and it takes what energy I have left to not break down and cry. How can someone do that to another person? What did I do to deserve being treated like absolute shit? I glare at the table as I hold back my tears. I have no one to run to because I don't have anyone other than Kyle and my father. They made sure of that. I'm not allowed to have friends.

Friends. My eyes widen a little as I almost cry right then and there. I have one friend and I know I can trust her with this. I pick up my barely eaten salad and throw it away with my empty coffee cup.

I pick up her file on the way to the session room, and I soon find myself excitedly sitting in my seat as I wait for Ivy to join me. I'm in desperate need for a girl talk and I want to tell her. I want to open up to someone, and the only person I have is her.

Ivy smiles when she sees me and I smile kindly back at her. I see she's just as happy to see me as I am to see her. I motion for the guards to leave the room and they do as I request. She opens up more when they aren't into the room, and according to her, that's because some guards work for the other high risk inmates.

Who knew these people created so much fear? I don't think I could ever be scared of Ivy.

"How was your evening, Ivy?" She tells me about how Selina started teasing her and how I had been right about the dating part. I tell her I think they're a great couple and that I think they're absolutely adorable. She tells me how she loves how possessive Selina is and how she loves to tease her into her possessiveness. I'm happy that they can find light in a place that's so dark all the time.

She tells me that some of the guards let them into each others cell at night and they do what lovers do. They either sit around and enjoy each others company or they sleep together. That includes them falling asleep cuddling and sex, according to Ivy. I gush over how cute and amazing I think they are.

"And you should see it when Riddler annoys Killer Kroc and Two-Face. He keeps telling them riddles that they can't ever guess." I have no idea who those people are, but they sound like a blast. I hope I become their therapist in the future. "Anyway, enough about me. How was your evening, Harley?"

I knew this was coming and now that I've calmed down, I'm not so sure I want to talk about it. I don't know where to begin anyway, so I do it the easy way. Call me a coward if you want, but I just show her the ring on my finger. No point in reliving hell again for the third time today.

"I seen it yesterday, but I didn't want to say anything. I figured you would tell me when you're ready to." I look at her and she holds my hand. I don't even have time to stop the tears before they fall down my face. How do I desvere someone nice enough to let me feel comfortable before I do anything? The only other people I know force me into things I don't want, but here is this angel telling me I can open up to her on my own terms.

I don't want to ruin the moment, so I tell her about the Kyle I fell in love with. Before he became the monster he is now. I talk about how sweet he is and how loving he can be. I tell her about how he took me to my favorite restaurant to propose to me.

I talk about how him and my father are partners in a company, and that's how we met each other. I tell the good memories as I cry about how I can never have that ever again. No one likes a damaged soul.

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