Chapter 26

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~ This chapter is going to be really long since a lot is going to happen in it and I wanted it all together. Now, there is a steamy scene that I have marked if you don't want to read it. Please don't judge, I tried my best. Continuing on with the story now.~

Harleen POV

I look in the mirror as I nod to myself for reassurance for what I'm about to do. My hair is in a pony tail along with my make-up all done in black and red. My black heels and red dress shine in the light every time I move.

I ran to the store in the mall earlier to pay for the dress I refused to buy the other day. I've decided to sneak into Arkham during the party to see my friends and my clown prince. What better way to treat him than to show up completely dolled up just for him?

This isn't going to be an easy job, I remind myself. I remember Cash telling the other guards where they are moving my family, and that's all over the Asylum. They're all being separated and moved to several different parts of the building so they don't 'create an escape plan together'.

The party started ten minutes ago, and it'll take me 20 minutes to get there. I plan to park in the back so no one can see me enter the building. It's going to be a high risk with all the cameras, but luckily I know most of the passwords. I also know most of the building from my daily explorations. I can tell you all the blind spots in the whole place.

Once I get inside, the hard part will begin since none of the lights will be on. I'll have to navigate my way around in the pitch black without alerting anyone to my presence as I try to make it to every last one of them.

I grab my keys and head to my car quickly. I drive like a madwoman through town, clear until I make it to the back of Arkham. Am I really about to do this? What if I get caught? What if I succeed?? What will happen to me than? I know this is insane, but there's no turning back now.

I wait for a few minutes as I watch people walk around to the front side of the building. They are all dressed way more fancier than I am, which makes me feel out of place. I feel completely underdressed and fell like I'll stick out like a sore thumb, but there isn't any time to go back to the hotel to change.

I open my door as slowly as I can and get out as I crouch between the cars. I need to try to stay as hidden as possible. I can't let anyone see me or recognize me. Especially with my father being the host. Dodging from car to car, I manage to get to the back entrance unseen. Step one done and now for step two.

I put in the code and smile as the door unlocks for me. Stupid idiots should have changed the codes when they could. I open the door quickly as I enter and close it behind me softly. Luckily, the moon light coming in from the windows helps me find my way around. I have to stop and hide in the shadows every time I hear voices or footsteps, though.

My heart is racing as I make my way from one hall to the next, and I'm not sure I even know what I'm doing. I didn't really think about the details of this plan. Yes, I had a lot of free time to look around and explore this place, but do I really know this place like the back of my hand? I stop in front a door that says Security in big letters.

On the other side of this door is the security feed where all the cameras are placed. I quickly enter the pass code and walk into the room. No guards. Really?! How fucking stupid can these people be and how did I not notice before?? I rush to the cameras and look at each one carefully as I try to find my friends.

Joker, Ivy, and Riddler are all on floor two in different hallways. Cat, Croc, and Two-Face are on the top levels in a similar way. I mentally remember each room they are locked in before I take off after them. I'm going to my Joker first, then the others. This is going to take a while.

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