Chapter 22

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Harleen POV

I'm walking through the halls as I head to where Ivy's cell is. I want to talk to her and it can't wait for later during our session. I had wiped off my lipstick in case Joker is in his cell. I don't want a replay of earlier. I need to get my head out of the fucking clouds and back on track with reality.

That starts with talking to Ivy to and telling her that I need to start doing my job. I need to forget about all my happy dreams with them all. I pass by all the regular patient cell with no snide comments. In fact, everyone in here is avoiding my eyes altogether.

Is this what it's like to be Joker's next target? Everyone is way to scared to hurt something he wants so they leave me alone. I smile slightly at the small comfort of safety that brings. It's nice to feel safe for once.

I'm about to walk through the doors to the main cell blocks when I hear my name being called from behind me. Turning, I see Cash walking up behind me. I wonder what he wants? Haven't I already had enough excitement for one day?

"Hey, Cash. How can I help you?" He informs me that Warden Jones wishes to see me in his office, but doesn't know why. I nodded my head in understanding as he lead me to where the warden's office is. This can't be good.

I've only been there once, but I'm starting to remember how to get to it. Cash knocks on the door and we hear a muffled enter. The warden isn't as flustered as he had been last time which is a good thing. Don't want another moment like that.

Warden Jones is sitting in his chair looking at files when I walk in, and his eyes soon find mine. His gray hair is combed out and his grey eyes look cold. I already don't like the look of this and I resist the urge to leave.

"Dr. Harleen. Such a pleasure to finally meet you, my dear." The way he spoke to me suggested a secret meaning, but I decided to ignore it. And meet me? Doesn't he remember the last time I had been in his office?

He gestures to the seat in front of his desk, and I sit down as he puts his files off to the side. I'm really not liking this, and I'm starting to get a bad vibe from him. His eyes tell me that this isn't going to be a good discussion, and I'm afraid of what will happen.

"I hear you have had an interesting day today." I don't like this at all, and I try to come up with a way to get out of here. I try to come up with some kind of excuse because I really don't want to lose my job.

"I-I'm not sure what you're talking about, Warden Jones." He chuckles lightly and stands up as he walks around his desk to face me. He waddles like a penguin with his large weight, and I'm reminded of The Penguin, which disturbs me more than anything else I've been through. The Penguin fucking scares me to death. Nope, I want out. Now.

"We both know what you're really after." I shake my head. I have no idea what he is talking about, and he is scaring me into a panic attack like Smith did. I didn't ask for any of what happened today. I just want to do my job.

Before I have a chance to stand, Jones leans down and traps me in the chair with his arms. This makes my breathing strain as my attack comes faster. I lean my face as far away from his as I can and close my eyes. Please, whatever this is, be over soon.

"Cut the bullshit, Quinzel. I want to know how much." Oh god. I think I'm going to be sick. Does he really think of me like that? My eyes tear up as I shake my head. I'm not a common whore!!

I hear him sigh before his hand pulls back. I go to move when his left hand holds my throat as his right hand slaps me. Kyle instantly is brought to the front of my mind and I scream out in terror.

I try to keep from panicking in complete fear as he hits me again and again before he decides to bend me over his desk. Oh hell to the fucking no! Not this again! I refuse to go through this again, with a different man. I'd rather be fired.

I fight against him as he pushes my skirt up. I scream louder for help when he slaps me on the ass. I think the fuck not you sick fuck.

"Shut up, stupid slut!" He grabs my hair and bashes my head on the desk making my vision blur. I'm dazed for a minute before I continue to fight him, but that pisses him off more and more. He tosses me to the floor yelling at me, and before he can get on top of me, I kick his leg making him fall. I scramble as I take off running out of his office and down the hall.

I'm so fucking thankful that I didn't wear my pumps as I sprint as fast as I can. I take turns going left and right as I try to put as much distance between us. I barge through door after door, which I vaguely remember passing Ivy and the gang along the way, her screaming my name.

I slam through a door and shove it closed as I gulp for air. I've never ran so fucking much in my life, and I really need to get in shape. I put my head against the door as I cry silently, but scream when I hear a noise behind me.

I whip around to find Joker strapped to a table, which has me crying harder. What in the flying fucking hell are they doing to him?! I stumble over to him and grab his hand with my own. Jesus, what have they done to him??

He looks me up and down with a hard look in his eyes, which makes me feel safe when it shouldn't. Yes, I strangely feel safe in this dangerous mans presence. Who would have ever fucking thought that? It's probably because he's the one man that I've met that hasn't tried to hit me.

"Oh, my little monster. What did they do to you?" I sob and lay my head down on his chest as I attempt to explain. All I managed to get out was Warden Jones and running. That isn't much of an explanation, sorry Joker. And what did he mean by his little monster?

He squeezes my hand gently which makes me look at him. My blue eyes clash with his green ones, and boy do they look murderous. If looks could kill..

"I'm going to kill him. I told him that if he even so much as touched you, that I would make him suffer painfully slow for it." As crazy as it sounds, I laughed a little as he said this. That made me feel slightly cared for, and I start to question why he would be so upset with someone else touching me?

I want to unhook him, but I know that will end my job and life forever. That is a line I don't believe I am ready to cross yet, if I ever will be. I hear yelling coming from the hall and start shaking again. Oh my fucking god, just leave me the fuck alone you sick and twisted motherfuckers!

"Hide. Now." I squeeze Jokers hand and do as he told me. I hide in the cabinets under the sink across the room from where he is laying. Just as I closed the cabinet door, I hear the main door bash open. I have to hold a hand over my mouth to muffle my whimpers.

"Find that girl! I want her to suffer for kicking me!" Jones shouts at whoever entered the room with him. I faintly hear him and Joker arguing quietly. I wonder what they're saying, and I lean as close as I dare to so I can hear better.

Joker tells Jones that he sent me back out of the room, and that I'm not in there. Jones doesn't believe him because he thinks I promised Joker more to keep me hidden. That twisted bastard. I have a sudden urge to be the one who kills him, and that thought scares me immensely.

I silently cry as I hear cabinet doors being opened and closed. I watch as the light of the room slowly makes its way to me, but I don't dare make a noise. Please don't find me.

"Leave her! If Joker wants trashy seconds that bad, then he can keep her. She isn't worth my time anyway." Joker must have annoyed him to the point of letting me go. I listen as the main doors open and slam shut after a minute.

"Spitfire, it's clear." I sob loudly as I crawl out of my hiding place. I sit there sobbing to myself as Joker lays there, listening as my soul shatters beyond repair.

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