Chapter 20

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"What on earth did you do to her, you brainless asshole?! She looks like she just went through hell." I roll my eyes at Jokers questioning insult as Cash ignores him by standing by the door. I didn't go through hell, and I know what hell feels like.

Joker just shakes his head and looks at me. His playfulness leaves the minute he looks at my face. His eyes turn cold as his voice gets sharp and deadly. Again, how the hell does he do that?!

"Who touched you?" His question catches me off guard for a minute before I remember my smeared lipstick. I touch my lips as I let out a shaking breath. I shake my head to clear my vision before another panic attack hit me. Today is just not my day.

Joker is still glaring at my lips like they're the scum of the earth and I realize he is waiting for me to answer. I don't want to anger him even more than he already is because there is a big chance he could lash out like Kyle did, or scare me to death like Smith did. Neither sound like good options.

"O-oh, um, another doctor didn't like the color so he tried to wipe it off before I came here.'' Joker growls out like he didn't like my answer, or maybe he didn't like another man touching me? Didn't he pretty much state in his note that I'm his until he is done with me?

I'm not exactly ok with that, but if it makes people afraid to come near me then I can hide behind it. At least until I build myself back together and can take a hit without being fazed by it. I could use this small amount of protection that he's provided me, even if he doesn't realize it himself.

Joker looks as if he is about to storm out of this room and kill poor Smith, so I snap him out of his trance. Don't want to start a mass break out, Harleen. Stop him.

"I take it you still want to know about my ring?" Jokers attention snaps to my fingers, then to my face. His eyes stare at me with their calculating gaze as he tries to piece the puzzles together. Good luck with that one. I'm still trying to, but if you do it before me then please let me know what you find.

His eyes seem to rip my scars open like he can read them on my face, which scares me more than the men do. I hate it when people can read me like that, with no privacy to my thoughts. It drives me crazy and makes me want to leave their presence.

I motion for the guards to leave us, who almost double over in surprise and shock. Even Joker looks amused by my request, but keeps himself in check. I can see the laughter in his eyes, though, which makes a ghost of a smile appear on my face.

After a few minutes, the guards compose themselves and leave. I take a deep breath as the situation sets itself in my mind. I am completely alone with him, and he knows very well that I can't fight him off if he decided to jump on me. It's a risk that I'm going to have to take because I don't want the guards to hear my story.

"Tell me everything, Quinzel. Start from the beginning." I take a second to compose myself as I start to tell Joker about my father. How my dad would tell me over and over that if I cried, I would be taken away. How my father decided one day that I'm not worth his time or effort.

My father is a cold-hearted person with no care in his heart. I'm not even sure if he still has a heart, figuratively speaking. I tell Joker about how my father would starve me for two days every time my grades dropped below 100%, and how my father would call me pathetic, weak, and an all around disappointment. The whole time I'm talking his face doesn't change and his eyes don't leave my face.

By now, I'm crying over how pathetic my life really is. I never stopped to think about everything I've been through, but now that I am...I can't believe I survived all of it. I'm stronger than I originally believed myself to be.

"Tell me about the ring." This is going to be the hard part of my story. I tell him about the first time my father had been proud of me when I brought Kyle home to him. I tell him about them sharing a company together and how my father always tells me that he is the son he always wanted. How he would trade me for him in a heart beat without even thinking.

I tell him about how Kyle used to take me out and give me gifts every Sunday. Then I replay the night Kyle proposed to me, and I watch Jokers face harden. His eyes went from cool and calculating to hard and murderous. That isn't a good sign, but I have to tell him the rest since he asked for it in the first place.

I decide to mumble the rest of everything Kyle had done to me since I didn't really want to anger him even more. I won't survive his merciless wrath if he decides to take it all out on me. He would actually kill me instead of just use me as a punching bag for eternity.

"You will do well to learn to not mumble when my anger is out, doctor." I gulp down the lump in my throat as I tell him that he doesn't want to know the rest. His eye stare into mine as he growls lowly. Should I tell him and anger him more, or should I keep my mouth shut and anger him more?? Either way, he's gonna be fucking pissed!

"I want to know what is hurting you. Tell me or else." I tell him everything else, including the night he raped me. The room is dead silent for a long time. Joker death glares at the table and I'm to afraid to move in case he takes his anger out on me.

The only sounds are my panicking breaths challenging his deep ones. What is he thinking about? Does he want to kill me now that he's learned that I'm tainted and broken? Or is it Kyle that he wants to kill for hurting me so deeply?

After some time, he breaths deeply through his nose and looks at me with a playful smile that doesn't reach his eyes. They tell me that his inner demons are surfacing and that I need to calm him down quickly. I'm not sure how to do that, so I smile at him. He tilts his head looking at me in curiosity.

"What's your name, dollface?" I chuckle at the simple question, and smile at him. He could have asked anyone that works here that question. How does he not already know that simple fact? I thought he was the King of Arkham.

"My name is Harleen, but my friends call me Harley." He says my name making chills go down my spine in pleasure. I cross my legs again as I look at him, but he isn't looking at my eyes. His eyes are zeroing in on my red lips as I bite down on my lower lip. He growls as the green in his eyes darken in want for me which has my blood racing. Oh lord help me cleanse my very impure thoughts.

"Sweetheart, your going to want to get out of here, or I won't be responsible for what I do to you." My breath hitches which makes him look at my eyes, and I can tell my eyes show the same need in them. Oh dear lord above help me.

He mumbles something along the lines of 'fuck it' before he jumps up and leans across the table. He reaches over and yanks me out of my chair as he smashes his lips on mine. That's it, my brain has taken a fucking vacation and left me to fend for myself.

The pleasure is so intense that my core immediately gets wet and drips with need to be explored by him. The kiss is over to fast as the guards rip him off of me and drag him to where ever. I lean on the table gulping down air as I try to get a grip on my body and mind. That was really intense, but did I expect anything less?

I leave the room before any of the guards question if I'm alright. I don't even think I could sputter up a response for them anyway. No way are they going to let him continue to talk to me after that stunt. He'll be lucky if he gets to talk to anyone for a while.

I stumble into my office and lock the door behind me. I sit in my chair and groan out in frustration due to wanting to be fucked yet I got cock blocked. Or would it be vagina blocked in my case? I barely chuckle before I groan in frustration.

I stand up and pace my office in an attempt to get grip with my reality that is slowly breaking. What is fucking wrong with me? I can't sleep with him, and the kiss is definitely forbidden. It's a major error in my line of work, and I could not only be fired, but I'd have my psychology license taken from me. I'd never be able to work in an Asylum, or be able to help people ever again.

Then again, he was the one to grab me, but I didn't exactly stop him either. I actually think I bite his lip. I groan again and take a deep breath. I need to stop with this nonsense before it gets to out of hand. I sit in my seat as I force my sexual frustration away. I need to calm down and forget about him even existing in this world. Anything between us can never and will never happen. 

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