Chapter 21

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Joker POV

Fuck! I curse at the stupid guards as they drag me this way and that. I had her in my grasp, but they had to burst in and rip her away from me. It's un-fucking-fair! I had her in my fucking hands, and she fucking moaned when I grabbed her. Fucking hell!

I tried to control myself, I swear I really did, but when she told me about that monster, the need to claim her took over my mind. It didn't help that she bit her lip and looked at me like that. Fucking tease is what she is, and she fucking knows it too.

I lost my mind and kissed her anyway. Consequences be damned! I would have tore her clothes open and fucked her until I couldn't right there on the bloody table. My dick throbs with the need to release, and I can't take care of it as the guards drag me to my punishment.

What will it be this time? Electro-shock therapy? Perhaps getting beat by four guards with their batons? Or maybe I'll have a tube shoved down my throat as they force feed me that chalky bullshit they call food. The possibilities are fucking endless around here.

We burst through the doors of the medical wing and pass the rooms where staff get treated. The warden doesn't want the doctors to know what they do to us, so he hides it in the very back of the medical wing because what he does is considered inhumane and illegal.

We run into Warden Jones along the way, who by far is the worst man I've ever met and I've met a lot of people. He sneers when he sees me and points to the electro-shock therapy room. I laugh as we go through the doors. My favorite kind of therapy and the greatest fun I get around here.

The guards force me onto the table and strap me down while Jonnie Boy turns on the machines. Are we going all the way this time? I really hope we are. I need a good knock into reality. Maybe this will get that doctor out of my head and give me back my control.

"What is he in for this time? Stab a guard, or another patient?" Is that really how creative you can be Jones? I can think of way more fun ways to get a message across. How about ripping someone's eyes out, or maybe strapping them to this very table and watch as their brain slowly fries into madness??

"He kissed Dr. Quinzel during their talk today." Jones slams his hand down on the machine in rage, which makes me laugh out loud. Oh, I wanted to do way more than kiss her, but I didn't get a chance because someone ripped me off her. I look at them all and make a mental note on who to torture when I escape again.

"What on earth are they doing communicating?! She isn't his doctor, so they shouldn't even be in the same room as one another! Who allowed this to happen?!" I laughed as his face burned red with anger, which he answered with a quick slap to my face.

My vision darkened and I growled at him. He knows I hate being touched or hit, yet he is dumb enough to do so. That isn't good thinking there Warden Jones, and you're going to pay for it.

"S-she asked for him, boss. She said that she needed to talk with him." The guards stumbled and stuttered in fear of losing their own jobs. Jones hit the machine again which made it jump start. Oh, I can't wait for the party to start.

"I've talked to that girls father, and according to him, she is quite the trip. She probably wanted to see what Joker here had to offer, but I can tell her where to get something really worth it." He chuckles darkly. I gag at the mental image that I didn't need, and I debate on whether burning him alive will work or if i should just shoot him in the head.

"Bring her to my office later. I need to have a nice chat with her." My blood begins to boil so bad that I'm struggling to get out of the restraints. Jones left no room to think that he means otherwise, and I refuse to let him touch her. I won't let him get his disgusting paws on her.

Normally I wouldn't care, but at the current moment, I want her to be mine and mine alone. Jones smirks at me because he knows he got under my skin.

"You so much as touch a hair on her head you piece of shit and I'll fucking kill you!! Do you hear me jackass?! That woman is mine and mine alone!" I'm screaming at Jones as he walks calmly out of the room leaving me with the guards who would love to torture me until I die.

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