Chapter 24

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I kick and yell as the guards drop me in shock of my outburst. Didn't expect a small girl to put up such a fight, did they? I take off running to the only people who truly believe in me. I run in the direction of my only people I call family. I have to get to them.

The guards chase after me, yelling at me to stop. My hair has fallen from its pony tail and I lost my heels somewhere along the way. Plus, the doctors ripped my lab coat off of me in attempt to grab me again. I have to see them one more time before I get kicked out.

"Ivy! Cat!" I call out their names as I race down the hall. More guards are chasing me and start gaining on my tail. I won't be taken down without a fight. They have to work to get me out of here. My blood is pumping as I see the door when I sharply turn the corner.

I burst through the door, make it four steps before I'm tackled to the floor. My head hits the ground hard, but I barely feel it. I scream and head bash the guard on top of me before shoving him off me with my feet.

Ivy is screaming my name while Joker is yelling at them to let me go. Selina is telling me to kick their asses, and I do just that. I knee a guard before I spin, kicking the other guard in the face. Oh, you got me started now! Time to put my gymnastics to good use once again.

"Harley!" Selina yells my name, making me turn in her direction which gives me time to backwards cartwheel away from the guard as he tries to grab me. Haha! Try again bucko!

I punch him square in the face as another guard grabs my arms. He handcuffs me with great struggle, but I throw my head back, breaking his nose. Ouch, that had to hurt. I know what it feels like to have your nose broken, but I don't care about these people.

Seven down, four more to go. It's going to be harder with these stupid handcuffs. I back up slowly as the remaining guards surround me. I hit the wall and look behind me to see Joker. He looks at me, eyes filled with pure anger at the guards, then he looks at me.

"It's ok. Go home, Harley." I tear up at his words and it feels like I've been backstabbed. He has never called me by my name before, and this time, it sound like goodbye. Does he really not want me to try and stay? Does he really want me to leave and never see him again? Why does it feel like I'm dying?

The pain is pure agony and I can't stop the tears or the soul shattering heartbreak. He doesn't want me anymore. I'm nothing to him now, just like everyone else. It's the same thing every time, but why does this time hurt more than the others?

"Mistah J?" My voice is barely a whisper as the guards drag me out of there. His eyes never leave mine, but his are cold and that make my heart hurt even more. I was just a pawn in his game, a toy to play with until broken. I fell for the ultimate joke, and I became the punchline. Something passes through them, but couldn't see what as the door shuts in between us.

I sob as a guards takes the handcuffs off, but don't let me go. In fact, their grips are ten times stronger than what they were before. They drag me through the halls until we reach the lobby, which has people watching me in disappointment and shame. I'm honestly shocked that they aren't locking me up in here with the rest of the crazies.

They shove me outside the building and I trip down the stairs, but  I barely feel the physical pain. I must have built up a high tolerance for it in the past month and a half. When one gets beaten physically, mentally, and emotionally...It hurts to much to even finish that thought. I don't deserve to be happy and I just have to accept that.

My purse is at the bottom of the stairs with my broke red rose laying next to it. I sob as pick everything up, realizing that I will never see them ever again. My family has been ripped away by people who don't understand. The only good thing in my life had been taken away from me, and I don't think I survive this time. All I can think, see, hear, and feel is the agonizing pain.

I vaguely remember making it to my hotel, but I scream in pain as I sit in the car. I don't have any energy anymore. How could I let everything get so out of hand? I just wanted to say goodbye, but what Joker did was way worse. He ripped out my heart and crushed it into a thousand pieces. He backstabbed me and reminded me of why I don't let people in.

He told me to leave and never come back. To go home, but he doesn't realize that I have no home to go to. That had been ripped away too. He told be that it's all okay, but it isn't. I sob for a while as I just sit there, bringing myself farther down.

Soon, I notice that my car smells like flowers, and I lift my head to look in the mirror. My heart swells at the two red roses sitting there staring back at me, and I feel my heart mending back together. He didn't mean what he said. He was protecting me because at the rate I had been going, I would have been locked up too. He does care about me!!

I get a thought and I know in my heart what I have to do. I look at my phone to see it's exactly 6:37 p.m. My mind is set and there is no going back. I'm ready to take a risk and jump off that edge.

"I have two hours. Don't worry guys. I'm coming to get you."

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