Chapter 7

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For a minute, neither of us look away from each other. We sit in silence, debating on what to say or do next. After a few minutes, she breaks the uncomfortable silence.

"Before I say anything, you're absolutely positive that this stays between us? I can't let anyone knowing this about me." I'm appalled by the fact she thinks I'll tell her information like its a story meant for others to hear. It's not my right to tell anyone, nor would I tell anyone this anyway.

I motion to the guards and ask for them to step outside for the remainder of this session. They look unsure and extremely worried about my decision, but they exit the room as I requested.

"Pamela, I promise that not a soul is going to read this file. I don't go around telling stories that aren't mine to tell. I won't tell anyone anything that you say to me. This stays between us." I look her in the eye as I speak every word. I mean what I say, and I will go through with it as well.

I won't speak a word to anyone, but not because of the law keeping me from doing so. I won't do it because I want her to be able to trust me. Any relationship must be built on a foundation of trust and respect, or neither party gets no where.

She's silent as she thinks about what I've said to her. I watch as she plays with her fingers and her eyebrow squint together in deep concentration. After what feels like eternity, she nods her head once and sighs.

"I used to be a scientist. I work with plants in attempt to use them to create better medicines. Ones that could eventually cure all diseases including cancer. I worked alongside a man who believed in this as strong as I did. One night, I got a call from him. He was a mess, going on about a breakthrough he had found. I, of course, rushed over straight away to provide assistance."

Her hands clenched into tight fists and her eyes hardened as she glared at the table. I reach over and grab her hand, letting her know that I'm here for her. She sighs, and a tear escapes as she continues.

"I wasn't prepared for what I had to face. When I got inside our lab, he tried to seduce me. He grabbed me, and as I fought back, I fell beck into a shelf full of our experiments. The shelf collapsed on top of me, cutting me and various liquids entered my blood. It caused a chemical reaction to which turned me into the monster I am today. My skin turned green due to my blood. It changed to chlorophyll, my lips made from poison. It was after I noticed my appearance that I learned I gained the ability to control plants. I ended his life that night because he had ruined mine."

Her hand squeezes mine as she sobs quietly. I don't write a single part of her story down. I don't speak and neither does she. We sit in silence for a few minutes as I wait for her to compose herself. After she calms down, I speak from my heart and from what I know best.

"Ivy, you are not a monster. That man who hurt you is. You are a strong, beautiful, independent woman who doesn't need a partner to lean on or depend on. You're Poison Freaking Ivy. You are an amazing person, and I see you as my friend. I hope one day you can call me a friend too. You have my trust and my respect." A tear escapes as I finish my speech, and she smiles widely at me.

We cry and smile at each other as we accept the small bond that has formed between us. I can't change the fact that she hates man kind, but I can understand why she does what she does. She trusted someone and that person betrayed her in every way they could.

We continue the rest of her session talking about ourselves and bonding as friends do. I find the courage in myself to tell her about my father and the man that is currently my forced fiance. I tell her about all the days I went without food, and about the week I spent locked in the basement. I tell her about how all I want to do is make my dad proud of me. She tells me to kick both their asses and leave them.

We talk about our favorite things and we learn that we have a lot in common. We like the same music and we love the same flower. Before we know it, the guards come back in to get her. The hour felt like only a couple minutes, and I had to catch myself before I protested to her leaving. I haven't been able to have a nice talk in a very long time, and I personally can't wait to have another.

"Catch you later, Harley." Ivy says to me as the guards stand her up from her chair.

"You know it, Ivy." I watch as she walks out of the room, and I'm left alone to think about what just happened. I gather the file and stand. As I make my way back to my office, I look up at one of the clocks on the wall and stumble. What I thought to be an hour was actually 3 hours. I hadn't realized Ivy and I had spoke for so long. No wonder the guards rushed her out of there.

I chuckle and smile as I snap out of my train of thought. I like Ivy and I'm going to assume she likes me as well, or at least tolorates me. She wouldn't have shared so much with me otherwise. Not to mention, I definitely enjoyed some much needed girl talk.

I can't wait to help her out of here. I'd love to take her clubbing and maybe help her save the forests or something like that. I think she would do amazing at owning her own plant store.

I'm brought back to reality when I face my office door. What on earth am I saying?? Ivy is who she is and I am who I am. I can never change that. She's my patient and I'm her doctor. That's all we can ever be.

I grab my purse before making my way outside. As I walk to my car, my phone starts ringing. I pull it out and Kyle on the other end. I inwardly groan as I reluctantly answer him.

"Harleen, I need you to drive straight to the courthouse. I'm doing a live appearance and I need you to act as my loving wife." He hangs up before I get to protest. I get in my car and slam the door shut. Who does he think he is?! I slap my steering wheel repeatedly as I scream to try, and get rid of my anger.

Why didn't I see how much of an ass he is? How did I miss this before? Was I really that blinded by my love for him? I grit my teeth and let my anger festor as I drive like a mad woman to the courthouse on the far side if town.

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