Chapter 8

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~ Ivy's POV~

I get shoved into my cell as the guards slam the door shut. I rub my arms as I glare at their retreating backs. They better not have bruised me.

I walk over and sit on the hard metal bed that the warden believes to be even remotely comfortable. I can hear Riddler annoying the shit out of Kroc with his stupid riddles. He goes on all day long, trying to get one of us to play his game. Some of us get bored enough to actually try and solve his riddles.

I look out the big glass wall at everyone. Some are doing their own thing, and some are bothering someone else. We are all looking for ways to kill the boredom.

There are 6 of us in our own cells in a giant circle around a control center for the whole room. We are all classified as high risk patients, but I'm the lowest risk out of everyone in here.

On one side is Two-Face, Cat-Woman, and me. On the other side is is Killer Kroc, Riddler, and of course, Joker. He's the highest risk of us all. He gets more guards than Bruce Wayne, and he's crazier than any lunatic in this nuthouse.

My girlfriend is in the cell next to me. My sweet kitten and I aren't allowed to have any contact, yet the warden puts her cell right next to mine. It makes absolutely no sense, but I'm not complaining since it makes it easier for us to talk to each other.

"There you are, flower? Where did you sneak off to without me?" I blush furiously at the nickname Selina uses for me and smile. She's amazingly sweet and adorable, but if you piss her off, she'll kill you slowly and painfully.

We met two years ago when we went to kill the same person. We ended up fighting each other over who would get to kill them. I caught him breaking a trees branches as he was trying to escape her because of the diamond necklace he stole right off her black cat.

"I went to see that new doctor we share. I like her as a friend, and before you get all possessive, she isn't batting for our team. She's into men." I hear her tsk and her feet hit the floor as she walks to the wall that separates us. I bite my lip because I know where this is going and the anticipation is enough to kill me on the spot.

"She better not try to take you from me. I might have to claw her eyes out." My breath hitched as my thighs quiver. I always get hot and flustered when she talks like this. She knows very well how much I live her possessiveness. "Ivy, sweetheart, don't make me come over there and show you who owns you."

"Why don't you come show me then, kitten?" I hear her purr in delight and just as she goes to respond, she's cut off.

"Oh for fuck sake, can you two please not? I don't need to hear that, and I'm sure Joker doesn't want to watch that happen." Riddler makes a gaging noise at the same time that Joker laughs. Selina hisses at both of them.

"I'm pretty content, riddle boy. In fact, I wish I had some popcorn for the girl on girl showdown. Maybe you'd like to come watch the show?" Selina snaps at Joker, but he ignores her and pisses her off more. I glare at both Joker and Riddler. Can't they leave us alone and go bother someone else?

"No thank you, my mural friend. I have no need to sit around and watch pointless sex. Why sit and do nothing when there are hundreds of dirty secrets out there, just waiting to be discovered?" I shake my head in disbelief. Joker wants to watch us have sex and Riddler wants nothing, but everyones secrets.

Our friends continue bickering back and forth on what is more important in life. Joker says that laughter is the best thing and the world needs a good laugh. Riddler says that secrets and exposing people for the true monsters they are is more important. Soon, Harvey and Kroc join into it. One says they need a fair fight while the other states that they shouldn't be fair when no one has shown us a bit of fairness in life.

I agree on this completely. One bad thing happens to us and when we stand uo to defend ourselves, the world turns us away and treats us like shit. Everyone hates us, but they don't understand why we are the way we are. Well, one person doesn't believe like the world does and that's Harley.

Thinking about her makes me remember the bandage I seen on her forehead. It was there this morning and there again this afternoon. I wonder what happened to her and if she's ok. She doesn't seem like the person to hurt herself or anyone around her. In fact, she seems way to sweet and accepting to be in this horrible place. I know a lot of people would take advantage of her and I don't want that to happen.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I snap out of my mind to see Joker staring at me with a curious glint in his eyes. He always wants to know about the ins and outs of this place. If someone new starts working here, he's the first one to know about it. The fact he hasn't ask me about Harley is strange because I know for a fact he would want to know every detail about her he could. He hates being in the dark about anything.

Looking at Joker now, I'm thankful that Harley didn't get the chance to walk in here when she wore the red blouse yesterday. Joker's favorite color is red, and he reacts to it in several different ways. If he seen her in red and decided that he liked the way see looked, he would claim her on the spot and she wouldn't even know it.

Now, normally I wouldn't care about who Joker hurts, but I know how he abuses and fucks woman like their toys instead of people. Harleen is way to sweet for that to happen to her. If he didn't like the way she looked in red, then he would torture and break her until he got bored, then kill her.

Harley is my new best friend, and I'll be damned if I ever let him get his hands on her. I can feel my anger rise at the thought of him hurting her.

"Nothing, Joker. I was just thinking. Why do you care?" He didn't answer as he just grins before the control center calls out lights out. I watch as Joker lays down, leaving me to wonder why the fuck he cared about my thoughts.

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