All I want

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~All I want is nothing more, to hear you knocking on my door.
'Cause if I could see your face once more, I could die as a happy man I'm sure.

,,I think I have to go home now Rich." I said sad while looking at my watch which showed 8:42pm.
,,It isn't even late Eds." Richie answered and layed back on his bed.
,,You know how my mom is." I sighed and layed back too.
,,You mean overprotective, overreactive and fat?" He looked at me and I felt bad for having the feeling to start laughing.
,,You are anti-social Tozier." Giggling, I saw to Richie who've got his cute dimples from smiling.
,,You know what, or more how, I am. But you still like me, don't you?" Richie smiled heartwarming at me.
I couldn't resist and hugged him.
,,I don't wanna go Rich." I said with the face buried in his shirt.
,,Then stay."
I looked up at him and began directly to smile.
,,Nothing better than that." Shortly after I said this, I kissed him again.
,,I'll ask my mom to call yours."
I nodded and stood up.

We went down the stairs and asked Richie's mother, Maggie, if I could stay here over the night and she said yes.
Now was the worst part coming.

,,Here, you can ask her on yourself Edward." Maggie gave the phone to me and I began to shake a bit.
,,Kaspbrak?" My moms croaking voice came out of the phone and I swallowed scared.
,,Hey Mommy, it's me Eddie I-"
,,You are supposed to be here, at mine."
,,I- i know but it'll get dark soon and that would be very dangerous to go out in the dark, so I wanted to ask if I could stay at Richies over the night."
,,I don't know I-."
,,I could get kidnapped, or worse I could get in an accident and die. Maybe I could lose my orientation on the way at home and I would get lost."
,,Okay Okay come down, You can stay there, but don't forget to brush your teeth okay?"
,,Thanks Mom!"

I hung up as fast as I could and gave the phone to Mrs.Tozier.
,,Sounded like you can stay?" She asked while smiling.
,,Yes! Thank you very much!"
Richie showed me with a look to go up to his room and we went there.

When we arrived at his room, we both layed hugging each other down on his bed.
,,I love you." Richie whispered in my ear and I got a shiver.
,,I love you too, please never leave me Rich." I whispered back and just as we were about to kiss, we heard a knock on the window.
,,What the hell-" Richie started but when he saw bev with a tear-streaked face, he stood up and opened the window to let her in.
,,Eddie, Richie... Bill, Stan and I, have got a point on hand.. With an embassy." She started to sob and collapsed on the floor.
,,Which embassy, Bev?" Richie knelt down and looked scared at me.

Beverly saw many things, the most probably because she was in the deadlights, but we killed pennywise, didn't we?
What point? I don't have one.
But soon you'll have one.
A voice in my head said out my biggest fear in this moment. What are these points?

,,I-if you get a gre-green point, You survive, b-but if you get a red one-" Beverly started crying and wasn't able to finish her sentence.
We waited a few minutes until she calmed down, and then she started talking again.
,,The red means... you d-die, y-you can also s-sacrifice if so-someone you truly l-love h-have got a red po-point." Beverly saw to us and started crying again.
,,Beverly.." I started and she looked at me.
,,What did Bill and Stan got?" I asked the question, which was the whole time in my head, nervously.
She started crying and sobbing and that was answer enough.
,,Who, Bev?" I asked haltingly, scared from the answer.
,,S-s-stan have g-got a-a r-r-red.." She cried and shouted,
,,We all should have left this fucking town! It's cursed!"
,," I said and a tear ran down my face.
,,How long will he be able to survive?" Richie asked and I saw how tears ran down his face too.
,,I-I don't know. Just please guys, go to sleep okay?"
,,Why should we-?"
,,Just do it!"
Beverly climbed out of the windowsill and ran crying away.
,,What the hell is happening Rich!"
,,I have no idea, please just let us do what she said and think about something else."
,,How can I think about something else when one of my friends will fucking die!?"
,,Please...I'm tired."

What if one of us gets a red point?

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