Rise up

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~When you feel it's hopeless,
When you think that you're lost, oh
I will take your hand and
We'll rise up from the dust, oh

View from Eddie

,,Mommy?" I asked surprised and began to felt the old fear again.
I left the house without telling my Mom a thing because I knew how she would've reacted.
I stayed at Richies the last weeks and I can't even explain why his Mom allowed it, she haven't questioned a thing and that's pretty weird if you ask me.

,,Yes, and the only one who truly cares about you." My Mom said while standing up unwieldy with a decisive look on her face.
,,That's not true." I said afraid and groped for the doorknob.
,,It is, you hurt how I can see, that wouldn't have happened if you would have stayed with me Eddie-bear." She said and walked slow, or was it provocativ, forward.
Right into my direction.
,,I-I just want to pack my things M-mommy." While looking scared at her, I still tried to find the doorknob but I wasn't able to find him.

Oh fucking hell, I'll probably die if no one will come into this room right now.

,,For what sweetie?"
I'm scared of my Mom, my own  MOM.
,,To go home of course." I tried to sound convincing while feeling like being shortly before collapse.
,,But there's no need to pack thing, the things you need are already in your room with the other church kids. You'll finally get happy again." My Mom said, probably pretending to be really worried about me and my 'health'.
,,The only way for me to become happy, is with Richie. No one, not any disgusting unusually, unnecessary pill or person can change that. Not you and no one else."

Angrily, I found my inner fighter back, I found my hope back and I haven't lied a word. It's true. I wouldn't be happy without Richie, but as I was able to experience, I can live without my overprotective Mom.
I don't want to live with my Mom anymore. Yeah, maybe I am 'just' 16, but I can't do that anymore.
In that moment I knew exactly what I wanted and I wouldn't let that go. Nothing on this planet, wait, in this Universe woud be able to get me away from that.

,,Eddie sweetie, you got brainwashed, They will heal you." She still insisted that I am fucking sick or needed to be 'healed'.
,,You are the only one who 'brainwashed' me!" I screamed and finally found the god damn doorknob.
I pushed it down and feel backwards down the floor but stood up as fast as I could.
Thank God that I already dresses myself up.
,,Richie?!" I shouted scared but saw fast how Richie sat on the floor right next to my door.
I sat down next to him and shaked his shoulder.
,,Richie?" I asked again and got scared I felt how a well known fear came up inside of me.
,,Richie!" I shouted and tears began to run down my face when I realised that he wasn't answering because he wasn't awake.
,,No no no." I cried while still shaking on him.
,,Wake up please, please don't go I need you!" I began to sobb even more and lifted his chin a little so I could look into his face which was completely pale and powerless.
,,Fuck!" I screamed, my face completely wet from crying.
,,WHY IS NO ONE HERE HELPING?!" I screamed at the people who just watched the whole time, I couldn't believe it.

What if Richie is d-

I stood up and ran to the water dispenser where I filled a whole cup with water.
I ran back to Richie and knelt down next to him.
,,I'm sorry." I said and splat the whole water into his face.
Just when i thought it was useless, he gasped and opened his bloodshot eyes.
,,Oh my god Richie." I cried and hugged him as tight as I could.
,,E-eddie?" He asked in a rough voice.
,,One and only." I cried happily without caring about what other people thought of us.
,,Let's go home." I whispered into his ear and he just nodded, still weak.

What ever happened to you, I'll help you. You won't die!

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