Goodbye my lover

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View from Eddie

I woke up the next morning, without pain or fear in me.
I looked down at my hand and saw a green point.
,,How...?" I whispered to myself but then looked to Richie who fell asleep on my bed last night.
On his right hand a big bandage.

No, he wouldn't have done that am I right? He would never have done that! Richie would never sacrify himself for me when I told him that he shouldn't do it!

Tears were coming up in my eyes, I don't wanted to realise it, but Richie really did it. He sacrificed himself without thinking about the consequences.
How could have he been doing something like that to me?

,,Richie?" I whispered and shooked him lightly on his shoulder.
,,Hmpf, what?" He said drowsy, with his glasses skew on his nose and very messy hairs.
,,You look cute when you just begin to wake up." I said lovely.

Did I just said that out loud?!

Richie just smiled and grabbed my hand.
,,You'll be good Eds." Richie said, while looking to me seriously.
,,Richie what do you mean?"
,,I'm just saying."
,,No you are lying."

I wasn't able to held my tears back anymore and began to cry.

,,No Eds, don't cry." Richie said worried and takes me in a warm hug.
,,Why did you do that to me?" I sobbed while beginning to shake.
,,Why did I do what-"
,,Don't play stupid! You sacrificed yourself for me! That's not fair! That's not how it works!" I said, crying much more than before.
,,I just- I wasn't able to see you dying..." Richie just said sadly and I see how tears also started to run down his cheeks.
,,But how do you think did I thought? Now i have to see how you die." I stood up and walked to my bathroom where I locked the door and directly began to sobb.

,,No no no.." I cried painful.
,,I have to find a way how we both survive." I whispered sobbing.

View of Richie

When Eddie escaped into the bathroom, I let the tears and my fear out.
I cried, sobbed and punshed against a wall.
,,Fuck!" I shouted and looked again at my hand.
,,Why we?"

I was close before screaming when a nurse came into the room.

,,Excuse me sir, do you know where Edward Kaspbrak is?" She asked and looked at me curiously.
,,Yes, sorry, in the bathroom." I answered and tried to dry my tears.
,,Are you okay? You are looking really pale."
,,I'm fine, thanks."

She knocked at the door and not even a minute later, the door opened and I saw a completely changed Eddie.
He had a decisiving look in his eyes.
He had hope.

I wish it would have been able to help with anything of this situation.

,,Eddie I love you."

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