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~I know, I know the sirens sound
Just before the walls come down
Pain is a well-intentioned weatherman
Predicting God as best he can
But God I want to feel again

It was short after midnight when I woke up crying and shaking
,,Richie?" I whispered but couldn't saw or feel him next to me.
Then I felt that horrible hurt from my Hand what felt like a sunburn and got worse and worse and worse.
,,Fuck!" Running to the bathroom, I almost forgot the conversation from yesterday.
What if I get my point now?
I arrived in the bathroom, turned on the light and looked into the mirror, scared, of what I'm gonna see on my Hand.
I looked down at my hand and starter sobbing and crying.

There was a red point.

,,No! No! No!" I shouted sobbing and felt a few seconds later someone who hugged me.
,,Shhh Eds Shhh."
,,Everythings fine okay?"
,,NOTHING is fine!" I cried and looked at him.
,,What do you mean-"
I took his Hand, saw a green point and sighted relievely.
,,You'll survive." I said and laughed,
,,Wow, I dunno what to say-"
,,Give me your Hand."
I looked down and felt how the first tear ran down my cheek.
Richie took my Hand and felt in silence.
,,Eds no..."
,,I'm so sorry-" I said while I started crying and broke down at the floor.
,,Please say that isn't real." I looked up to him and saw how his eyes were filled with tears and he started sobbing.
I never saw him crying before....
,,I have to talk to bev. Right. Now." Richie said while standing up and going to his closet.
,,No please don't, Richie no." I said sobbing and stumbling to him.
,,Why, Eddie? I can't let that happen okay?" Richie said and hugged me.
He is shaking.
,,I can't Richie! I want to spend so much time with you before I..."
,,Come with me Eds, we'll fix this okay? Just trust me please!" Richie said hysterical and i got much more sad because of that.
I can't let him do what he wants to do.
,,Please..give it a chance." Richie said while getting his clothes out of his closet and walking to the bathroom.
,,Get yourself some clothes Eds." He said and disappeared in the bathroom.
I sighed and looked into his untidy closet which was crammed with everything.

In the end, I decided to take one of his black hoodies ,which was way to large but who cares, and one of his sweatpants, even when they didn't fit at all but well.
,,Are you ready spaghetti?" Richie came in without knocking and took my Hand without even asking if I'm ready or so.

,,No not at all."

We arrived at bevs and Richie ran to her window where he knocked quietly at her window.
Not even ten seconds later, she opened it and let us in.
,,Be quiet! You two know how my dad is!" She whispered and the first thing I saw was Bill with Stan at Bev's bed and they were both crying.
I went to them and hugged Stan while whispering in his ear,
,,We'll find a way to safe us okay?"
,,Y-you t-to?" Bill asked and looked even more shooked.
I nodded and my eyes were filled again with tears till I felt a warm hug around me.
,,We'll safe you two okay?" Richie said and looked to Bev.
,,Do you know a way?" He asked sobbing.
Beverly just looked at the wall and was still quiet.
,,Bev!" Richie shouted a bit to loud and we heard how the floor began to crack and someone yelled,
,,Bevvy? What are you doing?!"
,,Shit that's my dad!" She cursed and looked at us.
,,Go! Now!" She cursed while whispering and we all went through the window as fast as we could.
,,But what is with ed-" Richie started but Beverly looked at him with a serious look.

That was the last word we heard from bev in two whole weeks.

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