Into your arms

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I walked as fast as I could to our classroom while trying to keep calm.
What if she knows?
,,Shut up Eddie! Don't be stupid, you are just worried about him because you said something what probably hurt him!" I said angrily to myself and ran directly into Richie.
Because I was close to fall down he hold me what ended in a hug.
,,Oh uhm, Hey Eds." Richie said surprised while I looked up at him.
,,Hi I uh- I was searching a-after you." I stuttered and blushed.
Come down Eds! You shouldn't be like that! Keep cool man!
,,Can you stand now on your own or should I continue holding you tight?" He laughed nervously, I blushed even more.
,,I-i, I guess i'm alright. Thanks Richie," he let go of me and I saw how his face got the same colour like my face,
,,Are you mad at me?" I asked sadly while I pretended to search something on the floor.
,,How could I be mad at someone like you spaghetti man?" Richie started laughing and my face got redder than a damn tomato.
,,What do you mean with 'someone like me'?" I looked straight into his eyes and noticed that they were red, like after crying.
,,I know you and..."
,,Nevermind." Richie started walking away but I followed him and rolled my eyes.
,,Stop being a dick Richie!" I yelled and could have ditectly slapped my face for that.
You are the dick here Eds!
,,What do you mean?" He turned around while looking surprised at me.
,,You are starting a damn sentence without finishing it! That so disrespectful and just annoying! I want an answer Rich!"
Richie stared at me without saying a word.
,,You are driving me fucking crazy boy!" Now it was my time to turn around and go straight away but I stopped when I saw a good known redheaded girl who took my hand and pulled me to the side.
,,What the hell bev?!" I began shouting with what i just catched an annoyed gaze.
,,What did you say to Rich? You both looked like you guys were fighting! If you wanna win him you have to stay fucking calm!" She yelled near to my or so that just I was able to hear it.
,,I don't know what you mean Bev, what do you mean with 'win'? I have seriously no idea. I- i-" trying to undercover the truth, I started to feel how my face got red again what made Beverly laugh.
,,You guys are such idiots." Bev continued with laughing and hugged me.
,,You too are like fire and ice, but you still are attracted to each other. Learn to talk Eds! Stay over your social anxiety!" She whispered and my blood began to froze in my vains.
Attracted to each other?
,,Which social anxiety?" Instead of asking about the 'attracted thing' I asked that stupid question.
,,That was a joke, but sometimes it feels like it's hard for you to talk to people."
,,Uhm, okay, I'll go to my classroom." I said and already began to start walking when another boy ran into me.
,,Pay attention fucker!" He yelled and looked angrily at me.
I haven't known who exactly he was, but he looked kinda familiar to me. A bit like...
,,Hey Henry come over!"
I began running away but someone held me at my shirt.
,,Hey asthmatic piece of shit, did you just ran into my cousin?" Henry asked and came threatening very close to my face.
,,You what?" Henry began looking into my eyes where I was able to see his psychopathic look what scared the shit out of me.
,,Get off him Bowers!" Henry turned around with which i could take a look at my savior.
,,Aah you again frogface, do you want another black eye?"
Instead of running away, Richie came closer and stared directly at Henry while saying calm,
,,I don't feel like playing your shitty games anymore Bowers, fuck yourself."
My breath stopped when I saw what Henry had in his hand, it was the same knife with which he tried to kill us because of that motherfucker named Pennywise.
,,Richie go away! He has a knife!" I shouted scared but Richie didn't even noticed, he still stared at Bowers who came now likewise to him.
,,You silly fucker." Henry just said and made a big jump at Richie whereupon they both feel down at the floor.
Just before he rammed his knife into his chest, a teacher rushed towards him and pushed henry off him.
,,I'll call the police RIGHT NOW!" She screamed while holding him down.
,,You all will regret it!" Henry screamed psychopathic.


The last thing before everything went black I saw was Richie who ran to me.

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