Dirty little secret

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~Who has to know
When we live such fragile lives?
It's the best way we survive
I go around a time or two
Just to waste my time with you

When I woke up, at first I saw a very blurry person, after a bit of time I recognized it was Richie who sat on a bed, I guess it was mine but I wasn't sure.
,,Where am I?" I asked whispering whereupon Richie's head moved to me and he began to smile and said,
,,Oh Jesus eds, I was so worried, I swear to god Ah!"
He came closer to me and took me into a lovely hug in which I could have totally fell asleep.
,,Oh Eds uhm- we are at my house, for being directly you are in my bed." Richie laughed because he saw my perplexed face.
,,When was the last time you cleaned your room? Oh my lord when was the last time you cleaned you Bed?!" I got hysterical what made Richie laugh so hard that he fell down at the floor.
,,Richie! Are you-" I began but got pulled down from him .
,,What the hell Rich, do you know what could have happened?!" I began yelling while Richie just looked at me.
,,What are you looking at?" I asked a bit nervously and got quiet.
,,I'm looking at a beautyful human." Richie answered and i got blushed af.
You are 100% in a coma Eddie, come fucking down.
,,Can you pinch me?"
,,I wanna know if I'm really awake or in a coma." I looked at him seriously and Richie came closer.
,,I won't pinch you Eds but I..." Richie began looking straight into my eyes.
What the hell is happening here?!
,,Eddie, ich think there's something I have to tell you.." Richie whispered, shortly before my face.
,,Richie.. I-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Richie leaned forward and kissed me.
Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg...
,,Eds I love you."
And again I wasn't able to finish my damn sentence!
,,Rich I love you too." Now it was my turn to lean forward and kiss him, What I did.
While kissing I could feel how he smiled which made me feel happy.

I mean I was happy, I finally told him what I felt. But if I would've known what will coming soon, I would have prepared myself.

Prepared for dying.

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