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~You shout it out
But I can't hear a word you say
I'm talking loud not saying much
I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet
You shoot me down, but I get up

Meanwhile at Beverlys

,,Bevvy?!" My dad screamed while the boys just climbed out the window.
I gave Bill one last kiss, then I saw them running away.
I wasn't even able to turn around when my dad grabbed my arm and I felt how his nails dug into my skin.
,,Who was there?!" He screamed into my face and pressed me against the wall.
,,No one daddy, I swear!" I tried to convince him but one moment later, his hand slapped my cheek and I recognised the burn and pain more than ever before.

This wasn't something what he called 'teaching' it was pure hate.

,,You little Slut! You had boys in your room!" He slapped be again and my head hit the wall.
,,Are you still my little girl?" He whispered so close in front of my face that i was able to smell and feel his breath what made me feel like I was about to throw up.
,,No..." I said quietly and looked up into his eyes.
,,What did you say?" My dad asked and I saw how his look got even more angry, if that was possible.
,,I SAID NO!" I screamed and kicked him between the legs whereupon he fell on his knees.
I was just on the windowsill as I felt how I was pulled back to the ground, I felt the blood which came out of my lip.
,,You were a very bad girl bevvy..." He said and started to laugh in a creepy way.
While I tried to seal away carefully, he grabbed my leg again and started pulling me along.
,,Let me go!" I screamed in tears but he just continued.
I tried to free myself and I was close before getting free, but then my head hit the corner of a door and the last thing I felt was a strong pounding in my head and how some liquid, probably blood, came out of it.

Many hours later

I woke up and the first thing I saw was...right, nothing.
The room, or whatever it was, was completely dark and had a very disgusting smell.
I tried to stand up but I felt how my head came up against something.
,,Ouch!" I yelled and felt after my head.

One moment later I saw how the door opened and a person stood there.

(Sorry that this is a short chapter but i just wanted to show what happened)

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