•Chapter 3•

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Jimin's P.O.V:

I moan softly and try to open my eyes carefully because the sun is shining brightly and it hurts my eyes a little bit.

When I finally opened them I look around to see that I'm in my recently new room. It's been 3 days since I escaped from Yoongi.

Honestly, it sounds terrible when I say it like that. Yoongi wasn't that bad. Maybe you think it is weird but I can't help but feel sorry somehow. I feel sorry for Yoongi.

For the money, he gave for me.

For the good moments that we had.

For the good care that he gave me at times.

For the fact that I ran away from him right after he said he would change.

For leaving him before giving him the chance to even change.

I sound like a terrible person if you hear it like that, don't you think?

I sigh and throw the blanket away from me. I quickly get up and go to my bathroom with some clothes that I chose yesterday.

It is my first school day today. Yes, you read that well. My first school day.

Jin and Namjoon immediately started looking for a school for me to go. They took me to their house like I'm their child. Not even kidding. They care for me like parents would for their children.

I make myself ready quickly and walk downstairs to be met with Jin who is making everything ready for breakfast.

"Good morning sunshine, how are you feeling today?" he asks like every other morning. He asks this every morning. To make sure that I feel okay.

Well, I don't feel okay but he just wants to make sure that I don't feel too bad.

"I feel like every other morning," I say before taking a seat at the table. There are already pancakes on the table.

"You don't feel any better?" Jin asks while walking to the table too and taking a seat. Namjoon also walks in.

"I still feel bad for leaving Suga like this, I feel bad for leaving Jungkook alone and I feel scared for living a normal life now even though I wanted this all my life," I say as honestly as I can.

"But I feel happy to be with you guys! I feel really grateful that you took me in your life like this" I continue to make them feel a little better. I know they feel bad for me so I want them to know that I also feel a little happy.

"That's great to hear and remember that Jungkook wanted to stay there. It was his own choice and he is happy with his life there" Jin says to make me feel better but I shake my head slowly.

"I think he is having a hard time now, he helped me with escaping and I really think that Taehyung won't forgive him that fast after what he has done" I answer but Jin shrugs his shoulders.

"Jungkook told you that Taehyung loved him right? If that is true, Taehyung will forgive him eventually"

"If Taehyung really loves him"

"I believe he does," Jin says again. "I saw it in his eyes. He tries to hide it and maybe he doesn't want to but I know for sure that he loves Jungkook. Maybe he is even in love" he continues.

"I really hope so" I just say and we all start eating.

There is a short silence but Namjoon breaks it.

"So are you excited for school?" He asks and I smile softly. "I kind of am. This is literally what I wanted. It's a big step closer to my normal life but I'm honestly very nervous as well" I answer and Namjoon nods in understanding.

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