•Chapter 7•

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Yoongi's P.O.V:

So after I said we just have to talk about it that's exactly what happened.. or well.. what is going to happen.

We're all sitting on the couch right now. Jungkook is standing next to Taehyung who is sitting in the armchair.

Jin, the still unknown boy, and Kai are sitting next to each other and then you have me. I'm sitting on the arm leaning of Taehyung's armchair at the other side than Jungkook is standing.

We're like two teams standing on a field. Each team has its own half of the field.

"Okay so.. there is one thing that I want to talk about first because it really confuses me" I start as first. I look at the unknown boy and point at him. "Who the f*ck is he?" I ask and Jin starts talking immediately.

"I told you about my boyfriend a lot.. well this is him. This is Namjoon" he explains and I nod while taking in Namjoon. It explains why he wanted to protect Jin so badly.

"Now that mystery is solved so I really want to know everything about Jimin's disappearance now," I say and I listen carefully to the three other boys who are explaining me the whole story.

They all tell us a part. Starting with Jin than Kai and Namjoon to end the story. After they told us everything they know there is a short silence.

"So you guys came here because you thought that we kidnapped Jimin again?" I ask eventually and Jin nods immediately.

"You really thought we would just give you a warm welcome while you helped Jimin escape two weeks ago?!" Taehyung asks in shock.

"No, of course not! We know that it would end up bad but I just had to come here if Jimin was here again! I mean look at Jungkook, what did you do with him? He looks so bad" Jin says and he points at Jungkook who looks up confused.

He still has bruises and scratches on his face from the fight with Taehyung that night and he looks very sleepy and weak because he hasn't been happy since 2 weeks ago.

I didn't see him smile in so long.

I totally get what Jin means to be honest. Jungkook is looking bad.

"This?" Taehyung asks and he gets up to walk to Jungkook, putting his hand on Jungkook cheek. Jungkook closes his eyes for a little while. "It's your entire fault Jin... You made him help Jimin.. if you would have let him out of this nothing would have happened" Taehyung says and he sounds mad.

"I didn't ask him to help Jimin escape!" Jin immediately says in defends.

"You're going to tell me tha-" Taehyung wants to say but Jungkook stops him. "He didn't ask me to help Jimin," he says and he turns to Taehyung. Jungkook is standing right in front of him and all the eyes in this room are on them.

"Can you just stop defend-" Taehyung starts again but again Jungkook cuts him off.

"You want to know what really happened?!" Jungkook asks in a mad tone.

"You don't have to f*cking tell me-" but again Jungkook cuts him off for the third time.

"You REALLY want to know what happened?! Then you're going listen to me!!" He says loudly and Taehyung keeps quiet. He shakes his head slightly not believing that Jungkook will tell something important.

He gives up stopping him though and just starts listening.

"That night Jimin wanted to talk to me at midnight" Jungkook starts and he looks at the ground before talking again.

"I met him here at midnight, not knowing what would happen next, not knowing what he was planning to do"

"5 minutes before Kai came here he told me he Kai was going to help him escape" Jungkook continues and he looks up again.

He looks at Taehyung, right in the eyes. "He asked me... to come with him," he says eventually. Tears were brimming in his eyes and he had a hard time to not let them fall. You could see that on his face. Taehyung was looking at him with big eyes, not expecting this at all.

"He asked me to come with him and have a normal life. He gave me a chance to escape from this place. Kai was here.. ready to go.. if I didn't doubt.. We were already gone when you would come downstairs and you wouldn't have known how or with whom but.." he stops and takes Taehyung's hands in his.

Taehyung seems too shocked to even move. Jungkook pulls him closer.

"You know what I said when they asked me to come?" Jungkook asks but Taehyung could only bring out a soft hum to go on.

"I told him that-" Jungkook says while leaning his head against Taehyung's.

"I told him that I couldn't leave this place. I told him I couldn't leave you... That I couldn't miss you and that I was happy with my life here with you because the only thing that I want in my life is to be with you... I said no to a normal life to be with you" Jungkook explains and the tears are rolling down his cheeks now.

He is breathing heavily and he let one hand go to put it on Taehyung's cheek. He pushes Taehyung's face upwards and breathes out while letting the last words slip out of his mouth at the same time.

"Because I love you.." he whispers but just loud enough for us all to hear it. After those words came out of his mouth he immediately pushes his lips against Taehyung's, kissing him passionately.

After pulling back Jungkook immediately let's go and runs upstairs leaving Taehyung totally shocked behind.

Taehyung has his eyes closed. I can see tears on his cheeks too. He probably hates the fact that we can see them.
He looks to the stairs and looks at us after that.

"I-I need to-to go after him" he whispers quickly before running upstairs just like Jungkook did a little while ago.

"I hope Taehyung feels bad after beating up that poor boy" I hear Namjoon say. Anger in his voice. I turn my head to look at him and shake my head.

"Jungkook throw himself on Taehyung to give Jimin more time.. Taehyung didn't hurt Jungkook on purpose, they were just fighting a little at that moment but Taehyung didn't do anything with a bad intention. They just didn't talk to each other since two weeks ago and that's what makes Jungkook look that bad. Taehyung would never abuse Jungkook" I say to defend my best friend because I know that Taehyung wouldn't hurt Jungkook physically. At least not with bad intentions.

"Can we please talk about Jimin right now? I'm really worried. I want to know where he is. We obviously don't have him but... where is he then?" I say frustrated, going with my hand through my hair.

I need to find him. I need to help him. I have to fix a lot.


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