•Chapter 8•

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Yoongi's P.O.V.:

After we realized that Jimin really is kidnapped by someone we all started calling around to see if anyone saw or heard something about him.

Of course, nobody seemed to know who he was so of course nobody knows where he is right now.

We only know that he was on his way home when he disappeared. It happens on the way from the school to Jin's house but honestly, we don't know anything more with that information.

I called a friend of ours and he would come over to help us looking for Jimin. He's good with computers and could maybe find Jimin's phone. Luckily Jin gave Jimin a phone even though Jimin was only with him for 2 weeks yet.

Suddenly the doorbell goes off and I quickly run to the door to open it up. J-hope's happy face pops up and I quickly let him walk in.

Behind him is walking a good-looking girl. She smiles friendly to me and follows J-hope like a good girl.

J-hope starts talking to everyone who is in the living room.

"Hello everyone! I'm J-hope! Nice to meet you all, I'm the one who will try to track Jimin's phone" he says and he gives everyone a hand.

The girl her eyes suddenly get wider. "Jimin? Like in my Jimin?" she asks suddenly very interested. J-hope nods slowly.

The girl looks at me "That's why you looked so familiar!" she says and I try to remember her.

"Oh yeah this is Ella," j-hope says and he puts his arm around her.

Ella? That name... oh the one Jimin called. I suddenly remember her.

I shake my head and quickly push a laptop in J-hope's arms.

"Here start immediately, we can't lose any more time," I say and J-hope immediately opens the laptop to start while Jin gets up to give him the number and stuff.

I let myself fall on the couch and sigh. I feel really useless right now.

"What did you guys do the last two weeks?" Kai asks me and with that, he breaks the silence. "We tried to move on. The day after that night, Taehyung and I went to Jimin's original owner. Taehyung wanted to let him know what problems he caused us, it ended up in a big fight and we stole some money of him in revenge" I explain.

"After that day Taehyung and I just moved on. Jungkook and Taehyung are still fighting though and I'm still getting over it but we weren't planning on taking revenge on Jimin" I say and I end the story with that.

"How do we know you're not lying?" Kai asks suspensive but Jin shakes his head. "I believe his story," he says and Kai just looks at Jin for a while before nodding.

Ella suddenly starts speaking. "Can I say what I think?" she asks. She asks it to all of us but she is mostly looking at J-hope who takes a moment to look at her and not at the laptop to give her permission with a friendly smile.

I have the feeling that J-hope is a very nice owner and even though he treats Ella with respect it seems like they have a good bond and that's what I had to do with Jimin too but I was too stupid and had to f*ck it up.

"I'm going to be really honest right not and maybe you guys will think I'm being rude but I really need to say this for Jimin" she starts.

J-hope who was already looking at the laptop again is looking up again. I don't think he expected Ella to say something like this.

He looks at her with big curious eyes, he looks a little bit shocked.

"I think you guys are really being super stupid right now" she continues. "Tracking Jimin's phone isn't necessary. If you all just listened to Suga's story you would realize that it's really easy to know where Jimin is" she says and she sounds really frustrated because of us.

"I know Jimin's original owner very well because he was mine too and now that I heard that you guys fought with him it's obvious that Eric is the one who kidnapped Jimin again! Of course, he wants to take revenge on Jimin again!" she says loudly and that's how she ends her story.

"Ella is right. It's the most logical thing and we are not seeing it" J-hope says while he gets up and puts the laptop on the coffee table.

"It's clear what we need to do then," I say and I get up from where I was sitting on the couch. "We need to go to Eric's house and get Jimin back" I continue and I see everyone nodding.

Let's do this. Let's get my Jiminie back.

Jimin's P.O.V.:

I go with my tongue over my lip, still feeling dry blood. I don't know how long ago it was but Eric came back here with some other man.

They punched me, kicked me, hit me. I don't feel my body anymore. They didn't touch Mo though. They wanted to, they wanted to hurt him too but I stopped them. I said that I was the one who caused the problems.

They just laughed and said 'If you want his pain too, I don't mind' and they just hurt me for two. I don't mind that though. I had more pain but that's alright. I don't mind taking the pain of Mo too.

I don't want them to hurt a boy who's younger than me right in front of me and well.. it's my fault that they are so angry.

"Mo.." I start with all the energy that I have left. "Are you alright?" I ask to make sure. He is sitting in the shadow and I can't really see him. I only see his figure sitting against the wall.

"I-I'm so so-sorry" he stutters and I can hear that he is crying. "Please don't cry, it's alright. Come closer and listen to me" I say and he does what I ask him to do.

He crawls closer to me but it takes him a while because his hands and legs are tied up again. When he finally reached me, I start talking.

"Next time that man will come downstairs, we will grab our chance and escape," I say to him and he looks at me with big eyes full of hope.

I know how I can free myself but I can't do it yet because they would immediately notice it. "Do you see that trash can over there?" I ask him and I nod to the trash can in the back of the room. There is a lot of stuff in the back. It's still a basement and well Eric dumps stuff here without thinking about it.

"It's a green one and I know it's a box for everything that is glass, try going over there and look for a bottle or something," I say and he immediately nods while trying to move to the back of the room.

I wait patiently while Mo crawls over the floor. It takes a while but he finally reached it and looks inside. "Is there a bottle or something?" I ask and he nods while taking about a wine bottle. Luckily only his wrists are tied up so he can still use his hands and fingers. It's just not that easy for him.

"Break it," I tell him and he throws it on the ground. The end of the bottle breaks in little pieces and the other parts looks like a perfect weapon now. I grin when I see this. "Take a piece and try to cut the rode but look out so you don't cut yourself" I quickly say and Mo smiles while he takes a piece and rubs it against the rope.

I sigh relieved. I don't know when the man will be back but it always takes a while so normally this should work out. I look at how Mo is cutting the rope. Maybe we have a chance.

I really hope so.

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