•Chapter 16•

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Jimin's P.O.V.:

I quickly walk downstairs to see everyone sitting at the table already.

I also take a seat and I just start eating like all the others.

It's still pretty early. I need to go to school so yeah. Jungkook also got up, I don't know why exactly because he could just sleep as long as he wanted but I guess it's a habit for him to get up early.

Namjoon has to leave together with me and Jin.. well he's so nice to get up with us and make us breakfast.

It's always amazing to eat his food. It lightens your mood. I look at Jungkook who is already looking at me. I felt him staring.

"You already know how you will tell your story?" he asks and he gives me a curious look.

"I still need to think about it" I just answer and I see how disappointed he is.

"That Scott guy is on your school right?" he asks a little irritated. I just nod. "Don't let him change your mind. You need to choose yourself" he says and I nod again.

"You should also let him decide what he wants to do. I know that you want Taehyung to get free but Jimin knows that too. Just don't talk about it now sweetie" Jin suddenly says and he puts his hand on Jungkook's hand. "I know for sure that he will do the right thing" he continues and they both look at me.

Jungkook smiles weakly and Jin gives me an encouraging smile. I awkwardly smile back at them. I have no idea if I will do the right thing. What if I f•ck it up? I want everyone to get what he wants but that's impossible.

And the most important thing.. what do I want?

I quickly finish eating by pushing the food that I had left in my mouth before taking my backpack. "I'm going to school already" I quickly say with my mouth still full while I walk to the door.

"No, Jimin wait!" I hear Jin say a little louder what causes me to turn around again. Namjoon got up from his chair. "I'll come with you," he says and Jin nods. "We don't let you go alone again," Jin says and I sigh slightly but smile. They just care about me and are worried that something will happen again.

I was in the hospital the first day that I escaped from Eric with Mo because Eric and his little friends really hit me hard. I still have all the bruises and scratches.

Jungkook suddenly jumps up and walks to me, taking my hands in his. "I'm sorry. It's your story and you should tell it how you want it to be told" he says and I smile weakly at him. People shouldn't be pushing me in a specific direction.

I guess I need to figure out what I exactly want. "I just-" Jungkook starts but Jin stops him, already knowing that he is going to say.

"Jungkook don't," he says but Jungkook looks at him. "You don't even know what I will say," he says but Jin just shakes his head.

"Jimin let's go," Namjoon says. He pulled on his shoes and jacket and is ready to leave. I also take my jacket and walk outside, into the car.

I sigh deeply when I sit in the car and stare out of the window the whole ride.

Why can't life be easy?


It's lunchtime already. Did I think about how I will tell my story after school? Yes, I did. I thought about it the whole day.

Do I have an answer? No. Do I know what I will tell and what not? No. Could I concentrate on what the teachers were explaining? Obviously not.

I will stay dumb for the rest of my life. I walk down the hallway on my way to the food when I suddenly feel someone walking next to me. "How are you feeling today? You need to tell your story today right?" Scott says and we both take our food before walking to an empty table.

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