•Chapter 10•

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Jimin's P.O.V.:

Once we run outside the sun is shining on my skin, finally warming me up. It feels amazing and I think Mo thinks the same.

It was cold in the basement. Not like you would freeze but way colder than in the rest of the house. We could both use some warmth.

I want to start running but Mo stays where he is. I turn around to look at him. "What's wrong? We don't know how much time we have before he notices that we are gone!" I say to him in panic. He looks at me and nods. "I know but what about the others?" He asks and I think it's amazing that he thinks about them but now isn't the moment.

"If we go back now we have a big chance to get caught again and then it won't be that easy to escape," I say and I pull a little at his arm again. My hand is still in his.

"We will come back! We will get them away from there but first, we need to get away from here ourselves so we can get help for them" I say to convince him. "Keep the address in your mind," I say as of last. "Alright," he says and he nods before following me.

I start running to the front of the house. There is a car in front of the house. I ignore it and quickly start running through the streets.

My whole body hurts. I feel pain everywhere. They hurt me a lot, I didn't sleep for two days and I didn't eat properly.

I keep running though. I can't feel my legs but I keep running.

Mo follows me like a good boy. After a short time, he stops what causes me to stop too.

"You should stop running, you can't do this anymore Jimin. You look terrible" he says to me and but I don't really react.

Suddenly my legs are even heavier than before and then I lay on the ground. "F•ck Jimin" he curses and he bows to pull me up. He puts my arm around his neck and I lean against him.

He looks around and I do the same. We aren't that far. Only a few streets away from Eric's house. Staying here in the middle of the streets isn't a good idea. It's too easy to find us. I suddenly see an older woman walking to her post box.

She looks inside and takes the letters out of it. I moan softly, not able to talk properly and use all my energy to point at the woman. Luckily Mo immediately gets it and pulls me with him to the woman.

The woman is already turning again to walk back into the house though. She didn't see us because she was looking at the letters.

"Madam please help us!" Mo yells to her what causes her to turn around again.

She looks at us and her eyes immediately get wider. "Oh my god," she says and she runs to us. She takes me over from Mo and pulls me inside. "What happened to you poor boys?" She asks when she put me into her couch.

"Please take a seat too," she says to Mo who was still standing there. She runs to a closet and comes back with a first aid kit. She starts taking care of my wounds.

It hurts but all I can think about right now is that we are in a house and we are saved. Eric won't find us if we are in the house of a stranger.

The woman didn't ask any questions. She was just concentrated on taking care of my wounds.

"Are you guys hungry?" she asks after she did all the wounds. We both nod heavily. "I'll make you guys something to eat but after that, you really need to tell me what happened or who you are," she says before walking to the kitchen while looking at his.

We nod right before she disappears into the kitchen. I do a sign to Mo so he would come closer. "After eating and telling our story I will ask her to bring us to the police. We need to do our story and the police will be able to get the others" I explain and Mo nods in understanding.

He leans forward and pushes himself into my arms. I put my arms around him and we stay like this until the woman comes back with food for us.

We both thank her because even though she says it's alright, we're still grateful for everything she does for us. Because would you take two strangers into your house who walk up to you with bloody hands? Maybe you say yes now but at that very moment you would be scared just like every other normal person would be.

She gives her our food and she looks at us with a knowing look. I look at Mo before I start talking.

I tell her about Eric and being kidnapped but I stop there. I don't tell her the whole story.

The woman listens and nods a few times. She agreed when we asked her to bring us to the police because she was planning on doing that anyway.

So that's what we did. After eating the food we quickly got into the car and the woman brought us to the police.

Once we were standing there in front of the door Mo and I looked at each other. We are both scared but the woman pushed us inside gently.

She started talking when we found a policeman who was able to help us.

"Good evening. I'm Helin and-" she starts but the policeman stops her. "Wait, those faces!" he says and he points at Mo and me. We look at each other with a confused face.

The policeman takes us with him to another room with another policeman but that man seems to be higher than the first one.

"I think I have two kids of the missing list. They just walked in," he says to his colleague and I hear Helin gasp.

Just now I notice the big whiteboard on the wall with pictures on it. A lot of pictures. On each picture, there is a person on it and when I look closely I see a photo of Mo hanging there.

Mo was missing of course. I walk closer when I see a photo of myself. The photo is super old though. I guess I was 11 or something. Before I got kidnapped.

"It's you right?" the policeman asks and I nod before swallowing. "I knew it. Those two boys are two kids on the missing list. This is big news!" he says and he sounds to be relieved.

"Are these two boys missing?!" Helin asks in shock. The policeman nods and she gasps again. "Oh my god, poor boys!" she says and he comes closer to us. She goes with her hand through Mo's hair and puts her other one on my shoulder.

I smile weakly at her. "Let's me introduce myself," the policeman says to me and he gives me his hand. I shake it. "My name is Lowey," he says.

I nod and listen to him careful while he explains that he has been looking for us for months. Not only us but also all the other kids on the whiteboard. He never found anything and he also didn't have evidence about his theory.

After a while, I realized that this policeman is the one who listened to Kai's story. Kai wanted to find prove because this policeman needed it to get further.

I told the policeman that I met Kai and that he was the one who helped me out. Lowey also told me about all the parents who are desperately searching for their children.

I honestly feel terrible for all those kids and all those parents but the only thing that is in my mind right now are my own parents.

Are they still looking for me? Where do they live now? Are they far away from me?

"Are my parents still looking for me?" I ask. Lowey looks something up on his computer and looks back at me. "Yes, they definitely are," he says eventually. "When they heard about a policeman who is searching for missing kids who are kidnapped out of different countries they immediately came here and visited me. They live here since a couple of years ago, still hoping to find their son again" he explains I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest.

"You want to meet them?" he asks with a smile on his face, already knowing my answer.

"Yes, please!" I say and I smile too. I really want to know how they are doing now. They must really love me because after all those years they didn't stop looking for me.

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