•Chapter 19•

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Suga's P.O.V.:

"I still can't believe you're actually doing this" Taehyung says.

"I think it's really really cute of him to do this. I'm not sure how Jimin will react though. I think he finally found his perfect life and I know that he is really happy with how it is now and this will change everything again. I'm not sure if he's going to like that" Jungkook answers.

"I gave him a lot of time! It was a hard period for me and I just really can't wait any longer" I answer while checking myself out in the mirror.

"It wasn't only a hard period for you it also was for us. You can't stop talking about the boy" Taehyung says and even without looking at him I just know that he is rolling his eyes right now. "I don't care about you" I just answer and I hear Taehyung laugh slightly.

"Of course not" he answers.

"Well, we'll see how this ends," Jungkook says and I nod. "Exactly. I know I will end up getting what I want" I say while turning around to look at the deeply in love couple. "What do you exactly want?" Jungkook answers and I honestly have to think about it.

I just want...

"Jimin" I answer and Jungkook nods slowly. "As in.. you want him to be yours? Your boyfriend? Your lover?" he asks and I shrug my shoulder. "I don't know. I just want him close to me"

I pull on my shoes and take Taehyung's car keys. "Come on let's go!" I say and I throw the keys to Taehyung who catches them.

They both get up and we get into the car. I'm sitting in the back. "You're in love with him right?" Jungkook asks but I shake my head. "No! I don't think I am. I just like him but I'm not in love. I'm not a fall-in-love-kinda guy" I say what causes Jungkook to roll his eyes.

"Taehyung wasn't a fall-in-love-kinda guy either but look at him now" he answers and Taehyung smiles at him while he's driving.

"I'm serious" I just say.

"Sure. We'll see about that"


"Oh sh•t! He's standing at the gate!" I say and I quickly lay down on the back seats of the car, hiding for Jimin who is standing at the gate with his friends.

"Yes, he is there every morning, waiting for me," Jungkook says. "Why the f•ck are you hiding?" Taehyung asks like I'm getting crazy.

"I'm not ready to see him yet!" I say and Taehyung sighs. The car stops and he looks at Jungkook. "I'll see you after school baby," he says and he kisses Jungkook on the lips.

"Aren't you coming with me?" Jungkook asks but I answer quickly. "No no no! Go to him and go inside with him or something! I don't want to see him yet" I say and I do a sign to Jungkook to go.

I hear him sighing before getting out of the car but not without smiling at Taehyung one last time.

There is a silence for a short time until Taehyung starts talking. "They're inside," he says and I sit up straight again, looking outside to check if they are really gone.

I sigh relieved when I don't see anybody anymore.

My Jiminie isn't there anymore.

"What's the plan now?" Taehyung asks and I look at him.

"Let me explain"


Jimin's P.O.V.:

"We're going to start a project today," the teacher says and everyone groans but I'm actually excited. I like projects.

"Guys be a little excited, please! It will be fun! Let me explain what-" she starts but there is a knock on the door.

"Yes?!" the teacher yells so the person on the other side of the door would come in. The door opens up and a boy with mint green hair walks in.

I feel like someone is squeezing my throat. I suddenly can't breathe or something.

Yoongi. What is he doing here?!

"Good morning," he says to our teacher who looks at him with a strict face. "Where do you come from?" she asks harshly.

"I just transferred here so it's the first time you meet me," he says and he wants to give her a hand but she doesn't take it.

"Take a seat please, I was busy when you came in," she says and he nods. "You look great today," he says before turning around to the class.

I look at my teacher who seems to be flustered. She doesn't often get compliments from students.

I look at Yoongi whose eyes are looking over the classroom to land on me. He smiles slightly before taking a seat close to me.

I decide to just ignore him. "So I was telling you guys about the project that you guys will be doing" the teacher starts again and I try concentrating on her while she explains the project.

It's hard though so at the end of her explanation I'm like a lost puppy, not understanding what the hell we are supposed to do.

"Let's work together? Nobody else is free anymore" Suga suddenly says and that's when I'm back to reality. "What?" I ask still lost.

"We need to work in pairs," he says before putting his chair even closer to mine.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him and he smiles.
"Going to school. I'm a student, just like you" he answers.

"You never really needed to go to school? Your parents are rich and you are already working for them so you make money enough" I say and he laughs.

"You're right about that Jiminie" he says but I roll my eyes. "You're only here to ruin my life again or what?" I ask but he honestly really seems to be hurt by my words.

"Jimin no please don't say things like that! You really can't think things are like that" he says and it sounds like he is begging.

"I miss you. I really need you in my life" he continues but I shake my head. "I told you that I didn't want you in my life," I say but now it's his turn to shake his head. "Don't say that! Please give me a second chance" he says and he takes my hand in his.

"Just... Explain this stupid project to me" I say frustrated.

I don't know how to feel about this all. Is Yoongi suddenly coming into my class?
How am I supposed to feel?
Should I give him a second chance? I mean do I even want him to be my friend?

"I have one question," I say stopping his explanation of the project.

"Will I get to know Yoongi or Suga?" I ask him and he looks at me with big eyes. He gets a small smile on his face when he hears the question.

"You're the only one who will get to know Yoongi... I will open my heart for you darling" he answers and I blush at the name.

"Don't make me regret it?" I say eventually but I can't stop the smile that is creeping on my face when I look at how happy Yoongi seems to be with my second chance.

Maybe he belongs in my life. And maybe.. just maybe.. he has an important role in it.

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