Untitled Part 1

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This story takes place after Knuckle Up!


Rocky....Michael Treanor

Colt....Max Elliot Slade

Tum Tum Chad Power

Chapter 1

It was the evening of the last day of school for the three Douglas brothers; Rocky, Colt and Tum Tum.

Rocky, the oldest, has been in a strange mood all week and no one in his family can understand why!

Whenever they tried asking him, he would either snap, ignore them or brush them away and disappear for hours in his shared bedroom.

Colt has tried many times to talk to Rocky alone at every chance he got, but every time Rocky would just brush him off and stomp away looking sad, and...heart broken?

Once Colt had realized the look on his older brothers face, he knew something had gone wrong between Emily and Rocky.

He definitely knew when that evening after supper, he found Rocky on his twin size bed, staring blankly at the phone can he and Emily had made at the starting of their relationship quite a few years ago.

"Rocky?" Colt said, trying to figure out what Rocky was thinking. Rocky didn't reply right away.

In fact, he was incredibly silent, just staring at the phone that he made, and wonders if he could handle getting rid of it after so long.

On the bedside table Colt saw a pair of scissors on the top and he looks from Rocky to the cutlery, wondering what he was doing.

Rocky raised his head and looks at Colt with glossy eyes.

"It's time." He says in a low, choked voice.

He stood up, brushing his short brown bangs out of his green eyes and picks up the scissors.

"F-for what?"

"I...have to get this out of h-here." Rocky said, feeling his insides choking up and tears threatening to fall.

Colt stood silent and watched as his elder brother grab the scissors, stand on his full height and cut the string that held the tin can in place on the lamp holder.

The can made a few loud noises and crashed to the floor. That's when Rocky looks up at Colt.

"Tell mom and dad I'm going out for a walk." He snaps, leaving the can phone on the floor. He walked hurriedly to the door and whisked himself outside before Colt could stop him.


The night air has become a little cooler and the street lamps in his neighbourhood had turned on some time ago, illuminating the dark cement road and sidewalk.

Rocky was fighting everything in him not to loose his mind and start punching something.

His eyes shifted towards Emily's house, his now ex girlfriends place.

They lived close by and he could see the light in Emily's room was on.

He stared at the window for a few minutes and then a flash back of their break up went through his mind.


Rocky and Emily had been quite distant for the past year at school. Rocky kept trying everything to keep their relationship together and seeing, but he had a feeling something was off.

Then he heard them; rumours of Emily being seen with Eric McDonald. He knew that guy. They had second period together and Rocky just ignored all the rumours for the remainder of the year.

Finally, he saw Emily one day run up to Eric during their football practice meeting and she actually kissed him right in front of Rocky, her current boyfriend! Rocky remembers how he felt when he saw the two embrace and share a passionate kiss; angry, fondued and heart broken.

After school Rocky wanted to confront Emily.

He asked her to meet at the front entrance, alone.

The grounds were completely deserted and the hot June sun shined brightly even though it was 3PM.

Rocky heard footsteps behind him and those once butterflies that knotted in his stomach when he hears or sees Emily approach him,

Already seem vanish.

He bites his lips and turns around.

Emily had an annoyed look on her face and she crosses her arms, tapping her heels.

The wind picked up and after a few moments of silence Rocky spoke.

"I saw you, Emily." Rocky says in a hurt tone of voice.

Emily just huffs.

"I saw you with Eric, again today at football. Is there something your not telling me?"

Rocky's anger continued to build up inside him but he forces himself to keep it at bay.

Emily was the one that was frozen in her spot and then all of a sudden as if she was surprised, she started crying. Rocky didnt understand.

"I-I'm sorry R-Rocky!" Emily cries. Rocky knew her fake crying and pretending game very well. He saw her use it on other people all the time, so it wouldn't work on him.

"I met Eric last summer, while you were at your grandpas and we...just got close."

"And...and." She was going to continue but Rocky didn't want to hear anymore of it.

He had enough. He put his hand up and was ready to walk away.

"Whatever. We are threw Emily." And with that, Rocky heads home on his bike, all alone.

~ end of flashback


Yay here is Chapter 1! I haven't written a fan fiction or a 3 ninjas one in such a long time!

I don't see many Rocky Centered stories so here is mine! I always loved Rocky/Michael Treanor when I was young lol I hope u guys enjoy this story please comment down below if you'd like I would love some feedback!! I already have a lot of the story written but how will the story un fold? This is going to be quite a romantic adventure for you guys!!!

Hope u enjoyed this so far!!! :)

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