Chapter 2 - An 'Explosive' Event

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End of Chapter 1 -

"It's... it's smaller on the outside." You announce.

"Well, that's a first. Anyway, allons-y!" The Doctor shouts, whilst flicking a few levers and pushing buttons all around the central console. Suddenly, the TARDIS jolts and you're off into the unknown!

"You might want to hold on, Y/N. You're in for the trip of a lifetime!" Martha says, and the Doctor and Jack nod whilst laughing. You grab onto a nearby railing, and begin to laugh with them.

You can tell this is going to be a fun mission.


The TARDIS comes to a halt and you pull away from the railing, falling back onto the flooring. You begin to laugh again, and look around the ship to see everyone laughing with you. Suddenly, you become very self conscious because you're the only one to have fallen over. "So, was it just me that has fallen, or has everyone done it at some point?" You ask.

"Nah, everyone has done it at least once! Take Martha for example, she's always falling over in here. It's because I'm the only one capable of flying the TARDIS. See, the crew is supposed to be made up of six members, but I stole this ship and ran away. So, I'm the only one flying, makes it a bit rocky up in here." The Doctor explains.

"You learn to love it though!" Martha replies, looking at the Doctor, who is smiling at her.

Jack is the first to leave the TARDIS, followed by Martha. You and the Doctor are the last two people to leave the ship. Just as you are about to leave, the Doctor grabs you arm and asks to talk to you privately. "Why were you so stubborn in the offices? You're a lot calmer and fun now you're out of there."

"Work place manner, I guess. I'm constantly answering phone calls and filing paperwork, it sort of becomes second nature to be so boring." You shrug, going to leave the ship. The Doctor grabs your arm again, preventing you from leaving for a second time.

"Doctor, what do you want?"

The Doctor says nothing, and gets his sonic screwdriver out scanning your body. "Woah, what is that? It's not going to cast a spell on me like in Harry Potter?"

"No, nothing of the sort. Just checking you're not under any influences of any kind, which... oh no. That's not good!" The Doctor exclaims, running out of the TARDIS, leaving you stunned. What did he find?

"Doctor!" You shout, running out of the TARDIS.


The Doctor, Jack and Martha are all talking in the living room of Martha's house. Meanwhile, you were in the kitchen, making tea for all four of you. 

"But, if she's under his influence... he must be in control of the whole world!" Jack depicts, staring at the Doctor, awaiting a response.

"Jack, you don't think I have had that idea? There must be something connecting the whole world to a psychic link. Martha, can you think of anything that everyone in the whole world has? Maybe like an app on a phone or something like that?" The Doctor interrogates.

"Well, there's Archangel?" Jack says.

"What's Archangel?" The Doctor asks.

"I've got Archangel, everyone has!" Martha adds.

"It's a mobile network, which connects people together by fifteen satellites constantly rotating the planet. It's genius really, I kinda admire it." Jack explains.

"It's in the phones!" The Doctor exclaims, taking Martha's phone and scanning it with the sonic. 

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"And there it is. The rhythm connecting everyone. Someone on the street was tapping that exact rhythm with their fingers. Most of you stupid humans don't even realise you're doing it most of the time, being influenced by a greater force. But, here you all are, letting him control you all. Very subtly, but it is there. A low level telepathic field within the network."

"One mystery solved. Next one, why was Y/N so against us when we first said we needed help?" Jack asks, confused. "Doctor, did you scan them?"

"I did, when you guys left the TARDIS to come in here."


"They're not being influenced by Archangel, Harold directly is influencing them. Maybe. No, that can't be right. They can't be." The Doctor ponders, rubbing his forehead with his hand.

"What, Doctor?" Martha desperately questions.

"Oh Y/N! Hey, you made tea! Look at you, efficient." The Doctor suddenly changes the conversation as you walk in with four mugs of tea. He turns to Martha and Jack, hinting that he will tell them what he discovered later on.

"So, what were you talking about?" You ask.

"We figured out what Harold is doing to you all. A low level telepathic field, broadcasting a signal. Four beeps, the rhythm of a heartbeat. A Time Lord heartbeat." Jack explains.

"Harold is from another planet, like me."

"Yeah I know, that's one of the first things he told me. He also said something about me waiting for you to rescue me. Like, yeah right." You bluntly say.

"He was just trying to get to you, Y/N. He's manipulative. But, which Time Lords are left? It can't be Rassilon or the Rani. Oh no!" The Doctor says in realisation.

"What?" You all ask.

"The Master. He's the only possible option. He's the only one that knows of my fascination with the Earth and you humans." The Doctor says, sadly. "He's doing it to get my attention."

"But, he has built a whole life here? Look, I'll show you. Martha, have you got a computer or a laptop?" You ask her.

"Yeah, underneath the TV." She points to the TV stand. 

You walk over and grab the laptop, opening Google Chrome. You type in Harold Saxon, and his website pops up. Clicking on it, you point out the key parts of Harold's life; his university graduation, his rugby career and his marriage. A small box appears in the corner, indicating an emergency broadcast from the man himself. The Doctor runs to the TV, turning it on and awaiting the broadcast.

"Britain, Britain, Britain. What extraordinary times we've had. Just a few years ago, this world was so small, and then they came. Out of the unknown, falling from the skies. You've seen it happen. Big Ben, destroyed. A spaceship over London. All those ghosts and metal men. The Christmas star, that came to kill. Time and time again, and the government told you nothing. Well, not me. Not Harold Saxon, because my purpose here today, is to tell you this. Citizens of Great Britain, I have been contacted. A message for humanity, from beyond the stars." Harold begins his speech.

"People of the Earth. We come in peace. We bring great gifts. We bring technology and wisdom and protection. All that we ask in return, is your friendship."

"Aw, sweet. This species has identified itself. They're called the Toclafane."

"What?" The Doctor exclaims.

"Tomorrow morning, they will appear. Not in secret, but to all of you. Diplomatic relations with a new species will begin. Tomorrow, we take our place in the universe. Every man, woman, and child. Every teacher, chemist, lorry driver and farmer. Oh, I don't know... every medical student?" Harold finishes.

The Doctor turns to look at Martha and then turns to the TV, twisting it round to expose sticks of dynamite strapped to the back of it. "Everyone out!" He exclaims, grabbing the laptop and his coat, following all of you out of her home. You drop your tea, and run out the building behind Jack and Martha.


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