Chapter 17 - Revival

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End of Chapter 16 -

"Y/N!" Donna shouts, and runs towards you. She falls to your side, removing your hand from your chest. The wound where you were shot is too big to patch up. Donna begins to tear up, and covers her mouth in shock. "Why would you do that? You could die!" She shouts at you. "Stay awake, Y/N! Don't go to sleep, you hear me?" Donna reaches out again, slapping your arm to keep you awake. "Don't! Go! To! Sleep!" With every word, she slaps your arm.

Jack arrives and shoots the Dalek. He turns to you, running towards you and Donna. "We have to get them into the TARDIS, now! Doctor, Rose, come on! Have your reunion inside the TARDIS and not as Y/N is dying! Now! We don't have long!"

"Y/N!" The Doctor shouts.

"You've done enough, Doctor. Let's go." Donna rages at him, as Jack lifts your body and takes you into the TARDIS. "You've killed Y/N."


Everyone floods into the TARDIS control room, The Doctor entering last with Rose. She's holding his hand as they both walk in. Jack puts you on the floor, and him and Donna crouch down next to you. Jack checks your pulse by placing two fingers on your neck. Nothing. Donna then shoves him out of the way and begins performing CPR on you. Nothing.

"Donna, move out of the way." The Doctor insists. "Move."

"No! They need our support! I'm not moving."

"You need to, something is about to happen. You'll be in the way of it, so please for Y/N's sake, move." He insists.

Jack stands up and pulls Donna with him. She puts up a big fight, but moves reluctantly. She begins crying into Jack's shoulder as he wraps his arms around her and strokes her back. Rose reaches for the Doctor again, but he does not reach back. She takes the hint and wraps her arms around herself, and moves back towards the TARDIS doors. The Doctor moves to shield her, and edge the others towards the same area. Jack pushes the Doctor back and stands in his place. "Doctor, you can die. I can't. Let me be the shield." Jack insists.

"No way. They're my responsibility. I'm the shield."

"Guys! Stop fighting! Y/N needs our help! We can't help whilst fighting! Doctor, you heard Jack. He'll protect us. Come back here." Rose shouts. "I just hope Y/N is okay. I feel like most of this is my fault."

"Yeah it kinda is." Donna retaliates.

"Donna! Don't be so rude! Rose, none of this is your fault." The Doctor states, moving to hug Rose.

"Uh, Doctor? Did you just hear yourself? Y/N is dying because of you both. Rose, it's not your fault. It's both of your faults. How could you be so careless?" Donna protests.

"Something is happening! Doctor, you better have a good explanation for this!" Jack shouts.

A white, blinding light engulfs the console room. The light lifts you from the floor and spins you slowly. The same white light emerges from your eyes at lightning speed, and also from your mouth as you scream out. Suddenly it all ends, and you're thrown to the floor. You land on your right arm and cry in pain. You cautiously open your eyes again, and look at your hands. Sitting up slightly, you stretch your arm out and look at it. You glance down at your chest and see that the wound is gone. What the hell just happened to you?


"Y/N's okay! What? Doctor. Explain. Now." Donna exclaims, going to rush towards you.

"Donna! Be patient with them. They've just regenerated. Jack, can I talk to you quickly? Alone?" The Doctor asks, looking at Jack. Rose and Donna get the hint, and walk over to you.

"Y/N is from the Boeshane Peninsula like you, Jack. One difference though, they appear to have gained powers somehow. Hence, the regeneration we just witnessed." The Doctor whispers in shock. "I didn't want to tell anyone for fear that Y/N would find out what they are and panic. We need to tell them."

"You think?!" Jack whisper-shouts. He turns to look at you still sitting on the floor, you're staring at the TARDIS ceiling as Rose and Donna help you stand. "They must be trying to figure out who the hell they are. You need to tell them as soon as possible, Doctor." The Doctor nods, and begins walking towards you. Rose and Donna have you standing, and you're still looking around confused at what happened.

"Y/N..." The Doctor begins. "Do you remember the first time we met? I scanned you with my sonic screwdriver and got really confused. This is why. I've finally figured out who you are and why you are so special. You're from the same place that Jack is, the Boeshane Peninsula. You're still human, but with regenerative powers."

"What the shit?" You exclaim. You turn to storm out the TARDIS, and slam the door behind you.

"Rose, please talk to them." The Doctor begs.


"Y/N! Wait up! I just want to talk to you!" Rose shouts, running to catch up with you.

"What do you want? I just found out I have powers and am not from Earth! Any more information I should know? You know everything, right? Your dimension is faster than ours, you've seen how this all plays out. Rose, is there anything the Doctor hasn't told me?" You cry out, falling to the floor and holding your head in your hands. "What's happening to me?"

Rose wanders over to you, and places a hand on your back. "Y/N, you're really important. You heard the Doctor, you're so special. Nothing is happening to you, you're just as normal as I am. Well, apart from the regenerative abilities, I don't have them. You see why you're special? You have a superpower! Just like the Doctor!"

"A superpower? I didn't think of it that way." You sniffle, wiping your eyes with your sleeve.

"Yeah a superpower! You're brilliant!" Rose exclaims. "The Doctor needs us, probably more than ever. What do you say? Help him out?"

"Of course."

You and Rose turn to the TARDIS, only to see a light being wrapped around it with four Daleks. One Dalek is on each side. They appear to have the TARDIS in a beam, which leads off of the Earth and out of the atmosphere. It must go to their ship! You and Rose step back, and watch as the TARDIS is lifted into the sky by the light.

"Doctor!" Rose shouts.

"They've taken the TARDIS! What do we do now?" You shout and begin to panic.

"Y/N, we have to find another way to the ship. It's the only way to save them." Rose states.

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