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It was a normal day in UA, Mr aizawa was asleep in his sleeping bag, Midoriya was muttering while bakugo was yelling at him to shut up and kirishima was trying to calm down his angry boyfriend. So it was going great, until...

A flash of bright light came and swallowed up EVERYONE.The next thing they know they are in a cinema along with:

Class 1B

hitoshi shinso and mei hatsume

and proheros: Principal Nezu, ALL MIGHT, Eraser head, Present Mic, Cementos, Midnight, Snipe, Ectoplasm, Power Loader, Vlad King, former hero Gran Torino, Enderwhore, Hawks, Mt Lady and Kamui Woods

Everyone was confused on what happened until someone finally spoke up. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE" yelled a very confused and angry bakugo. " hahahahaha you're funnier in person ay bakugo" said a very giggly female voice. "Who said that?" asked a curious Aizawa. Then all the lights turn on and they see they are in a cinema of some sort. "w-where are w-we?" asked a very scared Midoriya.

"I'm so glad you asked Mido" they all looked at the stage and saw a short teenage girl. ( like the picture)  

" The names Shadow, Shadow Wolf" Shadow explained

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" The names Shadow, Shadow Wolf" Shadow explained. They all look very confused, all might was the first to say anything. " What are we doing here Ms Wolf". " huh?, oh yea i forgot and please just called me Shadow if you want" again explained Shadow.

"HUH!!!!! YOU FORGOT!?!?!?!" yelled everyone in the room but the loudest was bakugo and endeverwhore. " Yo i understand bakugo can yell loud but endeverwhore SHUT UP NO ONE LIKES YOU" Shadow yelled at endeavor. Todoroki and Mido just started laughing, everyone looked at them like they were crazy until Shadow started to laugh with them. About 5 minutes later they calmed down, " ok ok ok i remember why i brought you here, we are going to watch different versions and worlds of.... drumroll please" no one did a drum roll. "Huh tough crowd, anyway we will be watching.....IZUKU MIDORIYA" Shadow yelled excited."WHAT WHY THE HELL WOULD WE WANT TO WATCH DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEKU" i think we all know who yelled that (bakugo). Shadow just looked at him like she was going to kill him, "BECAUSE HE IS AND FOREVER WILL BE BETTER THEN YOU AND SHITTY HERO ENDEAVOR, HE IS THE GREATEST AND STRONGEST PERSON IN THIS ENTIRE ROOM OTHER THAN ME AND IF YOU DONT LIKE IT I WILL ERASE YOU FROM THIS WORLD" after she yelled at Bakugo he was speechless, she walked over to the embarrassed deku and gave him a hug, "look I'm sorry if I embarrassed you mido I just hate bullies like him" She apologized to mido soon he returned the hug, after a few seconds they let go with both smiling. Shadow looked at Todoroki who was standing next to then and gave him a smile to let him know he is ok.

After that Shadow walked back up to the stage and snapped her fingers, after she did that everyone was sitting in the chairs Todo next to mido, bakugo next to kiri ect ect... (feel free to imagine how they sit I will be mention some sitting next to each other later in the story.

"I'm sorry for that little out burst of mine I'm so sorry" Shadow said while bowing, "It's quite alright Ms Wolf but please can you explain who you are and what we are doing here again" asked principal nezu.

"Thank you and of course, ok so I'm going to start at the beginning, my name is Shadow Wolf, I'm 16 and I love anime and the reason you are here is to watch different multiverses of Mido, and before anyone says anything about him being my favorite person here, it's not that, I have 5 favourites and I could have picked any of them I pick mido because he has more multiverses then the other 4 and I think you guys can learn alot from mido's multiverse selves, and maybe learn more about this Mido" She explained, as everyone was trying to take in what she had just said nezu asked " Ms Wolf if you don't mind me asking who are your 5 favorites?". "Hmm oh well I will say them from my 1 to last favorite even tho I love them all I think I like the first one a bit more" She explained scratching the back of her neck. "Anyway my first favorite is Denki kaminari" She told them, everyone in class 1A had a shocked expression they were all speechless, except Denki. "Me why am I your favorite?" Asked a confused pikachu (Denki) "W-Well I just find you really funny and cool and your quirk is electrifyingly cool" She explained with a huge smile, Denki was speechless but very happy, he was smiling a lot.

"And my second favorite is Ejiro Kiriahima". "Wait really Me!?" Kiri asked while smiling, "hahaha yep, again your your really cool and your hair is oh. my. god. your hair is amazing i don't care if bakugo says its shitty it is amazing and your quirk is rock hard" She explained. "Heh Thanks" he said with a big toothy grin.

"My third favorite is definitely Mido like how could you not love him he is baby and could literally protect everyone here even without a quirk and...mutter mutter mutter" As she continues muttering about how amazing and cute deku is everyone could see she picked up a habit for him.
"ANYWAY" She screamed and got everyone's attention.

"My forth and fifth are really a tie if you ask me and they are Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugo" Shadow said, "who is forth and who is fifth" Todo and bakugo ask at the same time surprisingly calm. "As I said you two are a tie I like you both the same" She explained. They both just looked at each other and glared but everyone just ignored it.

"Oh yeah and shinso". "yea" said a tired purple haired boy. *Snap* Shadow snapped her fingers and shinso was now sitting next to Denki. "Your welcome" she said as she looked at the now blushing boys.

"ok so if it's ok will you nezu I would like to get started" Shadow said looking at nezu. Nezu nods at her and she smiles and points to the big screen behind her. "Ok this should only take a second" she explained. "Oh Ms Wolf what is your quirk?" Nezu asked. Shadow stops pointing at the screen and looks at nezu.

"Well I don't have a quirk, where I'm from there is no such thing as a quirk but here I'm what people call a "God" or as I like to say an Author" She explained with a bit of nervousness.

"A GOD" Everyone shouts. Shadow covered her ears as they screamed very loud. "Y-Yea a God but please just treat me like a normal person and not like the most powerful person here, other than All Might of course" She says as she points her hand at All Might "And mido" She whispered and put her hand down.

"Now can I start please" She asked the crowd. Everyone just nodded except a couple like bakugo he wants so bad to rage and yell that he is the strongest and the best but he is curious of what they are going to see (so am i😂), mineta is just thinking perverted thoughts, and endeverwhore who just grunted that Shadow was more powerful than him.

"Ok let's go"

Searching multiverse.....

Searching multiverse.....

Searching multiverse.....

Searching multiverse.....

Multiverse found....


Hey guys this is my first big story and I just wanted to ask...how was it? Was it good? Should I continue it?

I think I am going to continue it but if you could please suggest something's I should do. And if you want me to do something from a video please put the link in a comment and tell me what it is. Thank you for reading.


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