Recap and Bakusquad hangout

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With the present MHA people

Mr Aizawa called Class 1A and some of the teachers to the common room of the place they were staying at.

"I have called you all here to discuss what has happened there past few weeks, and to ask you all if you are enjoying it here or not" Mr Aizawa started.

Everyone was quiet until Kaminari spoke up with a couple others. "Well I don't know about everyone else but...I am enjoying it here I'm loving knowing what my future has in store and I am really enjoying seeing all our future kids and what the future hero's look like" He said with his head down.

Kirishima than spoke up, "I agree with Kaminari, it has been awesome to see what our futures are like and all the different multiverses of Midoriya are so manly" He said while smiling holding Bakugo's hand.

Iida then spoke up, "I must agree with you two this has surely been an adventure and a great time".

Alot of others agreed with them. But what they didn't know is that the three future girls were standing behind the crowd listening smiling there hearts out.

Mr Aizawa then continued, "I'm glad everyone is enjoying them selves but I must ask, do you wish to stay here for a bit longer?" After he asked this everyone shouted yes.

A couple other people then started to speak.

"I must admit i never would have thought of having a kid" -Kirishima

"And now that i have met her" -Mido

"I have no regrets" -Kaminari

Aizawa smiled to himself the notice the sound of foot steps.

The three future girls went back to the theater to talk for a bit.

Shinso and Mei walk out, "We couldn't agree more" They both said.

"Knowing that I have a family waiting for me" -Shinso

"Has made me so happy" -Mei

Everyone smiled at this. Shailo walked into the kitchen while everyone was talking and got something to eat.

Aizawa saw this and followed her while everyone was talking to them selves. When Aizawa walked into the kitchen he caught Shilo wrapping her arms in bandages.

"Shailo wanna tell me what happened" Aizawa said/asked.

Shailo was shocked to say the least. "G-Grandad...heyyyy what are you up tooooo" She said smiling a nervous smile. Shailo then proceeded to put her arm behind her back.

"Shailo show me your arm" Aizawa told her.

"I...ummmm....bye" She then proceeded to run away to the theater.

In the theater

Once Shailo got back to the theater she saw Emma and Matt playing VR Beat Saber on the screen.

"I'm back" Shailo yelled out. Once she said that the two playing the game took off there VR Head Set and put them down on the ground.

"Hey Shay" They both said. "Got da snacks?" Haro asked.

"Nah I'll get them later, can I play?" She told and asked them.

"Sure you can have a turn I'm gonna go talk to my younger parents anyway, brb meh dude's" Emma said while running to the door.

"So what song?" Shailo asked.

With Emma

Emma smiled walking through the door on her way to the kitchen. Before she got to the kitchen she saw everyone talking in the common room about how amazing and incredible the future kids are.

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