Tiktok Deku

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Tiktok Deku

"Tiktok Deku?" All Might questioned.

"It's pretty much just short funny videos people do to entertain others" Emma explained.

"As that may be true don't you make tiktoks too?" Kaisa said with a smirk on her face looking at Emma.

"I...Shut up Kaisa" Emma said while hiding her face in her hands.

Shailo just laughed while getting everyone to look at the screen.

0:12- Bakugo- *blushes*

1:41- Confused Iida and laughing Bakusquad

1:50- "I didn't know you could dance tetsu" Kendo said to the steel boy. "Neither did i" Tetsu said back while laughing a bit.

2:05- "Woah could you actually control someone to dance so good?" Mina questioned. "I don't know, i haven't tried before" Shinso answered looking at Mina.

2:21- Kirishima- *blushes*. Emma- *smirks at her parents*

2:33- "Yea...No thanks" Touya said sitting next to his brothers. "I didn't know you could dance...Well sort of anyway" Natsuto said to Touya. "That's because i can't dance" Touya answered.

2:48- "Some of the best Aunty's" Shailo said with a closed eyes smile. Emma and Kaisa agreed by saying, "True that". The four on the screen smiled at the three girls. "And mum's" Matt and Milo said together.

3:50- "Can i kill him?" Shailo said to no one. "Not yet" Emma answered. "But he dies anyway" Shailo said while sighing. M*neta is just sitting somewhere shitting his pants. "Didn't he die like 10 to 12 years ago?" Kaisa asked. "Something around that yea" Emma answered her girlfriend. "Well thank god for that" Shailo said looking back at the screen.

4:31- 'Ugh monoma' Denki and Shailo thought while looking at the screen.

(In my vision Denki and Monoma are enemies because Denki got with Shinso and not him, and with Shailo you will prob find out in the future) (I apologize to the MonoShin shippers)

4:39- "Woah that's so cool" Kaisa and Mido said at the same time in awe. Todo just chucked at them smiling a bit.

5:54- "Story of my weekday's" Shailo said looking at the screen. "Don't you mean life?" Mina asked. "No weekday's, My weekend's are reserved for either Gaming, Partying or Training" Shailo explained.

6:48- Todo- *blushes*. " Is it bad that all three of us can do that dance?" Kaisa asked her friends. "Pretty sure most of our class can" Emma answered. "So no i don't think it's a bad thing".

6:56- "I'm gonna kill him" Shailo whispered to herself. "No more killing people please Shay" Emma staited looking at her. "But Em~" Shailo whined. "No" Emma said looking back at the screen. Shailo sighed and continued watching.

8:25- Mido, Kaisa and All Might froze but because people weren't thinking about it and just laughing about what Mido on the screen said, the three sighed.

10:15- Mostly everyone started to laugh at this, what made them laugh more is that Kaisa and Shailo stood up and started to dance along.

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