The One Thing

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Name: The One Thing

"Ohhhhh this is a funny one" Shadow said excitedly. "What's it about" asked a curious pikachu (denki).

"Hehehehe you will see" Shadow said as she snapped her fingers and the world/video starts playing.

It showed Deku on a stage. " Another story i heard about my self" Deku said under a spot light. "this one happened in high school" It showed Deku and Uraraka standing next to each other. 

" uh we had this teacher in high school" it shows Mr Aizawa. "Who's kid went to our high school" it shows monoma next to Aizawa.

"no" Aizawa said as soon as he saw monoma. "HEY WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN" yelled a angry and confused monoma. "Please can you just SHUT UP MONOMA, and aizawa" Shadow said/yelled as she sat on the floor in front of Denki, Aizawa raised an eyebrow at her to continue, "i agree" She said with a smile, Aizawa just smirked at her.

"His name was Mr Aizawa and his son Neito Aizawa" Deku said while it shows the same picture of them standing next to each other. " He was a sophomore while i was a senior"  it shows deku and monoma near each other. " So he was two years behind me"

"HUH HOW IS HE IN A HIG-" monoma screamed before getting knocked out by kendo. "Thanks kendo" Shadow said looking at the knocked out blond. " no problem and i'm sorry for his behavior" Kendo exclaimed while looking down. "No it's ok, it's not your fault, Now let's continue" She said and everyone continued to look at the screen.

"and Mr Aizawa WAS AN ASSHOLE" Deku explained as it showed a picture of the quirk test.

The whole theater erupted in laughter. "Midoriya!?" Said Aizawa. "Mr aizawa i hope you know i would NEVER say anything like that" Deku explained hoping not to die. "I know and i hope you never do" Mr Aizawa said to the green head teen.

 "And one weekend he and his wife" it showed a picture of Aizawa and Present Mic holding hands. "Decided they would leave town, which you should never do if your an ASSHOLE" Deku said as he watched them leave.

"And Neito Aizawa decided to throw a party at the teachers house" it showed monoma talking about how cool the party is going to be. "harray" Deku says as you see him on the stage again. Then it switches to Bakugo, Kirishima and sero are looking like they are thinking.

"hey it's us" said an excited Kirishima

"and everyone around town heard about it and we all got up individually, and thought". "ok let's go over there and Destroy the place" it now shows that they activated there quirks.

Again the whole theater erupted into laughter except to Mr Aizawa who was curios on what's going to happen.

" i walk into this party, everyone i have ever met was there" it shows deku looking at some of his friends. "And everyone was drinking like it was the end of the world" its now showed Deku drinking while talking with Todoroki who was also drinking might i add.

" people were drinking like it was the civil war and doctors were coming to saw our legs off" Then the scene changed to deku back on the stange. "It was totally unsupervised, we were like dogs without horses we were running wild.

"Wouldn't iida try and stop every one for acting like this" Uraraka asked while looking at shadow who was still sitting in front of Denki. "Well yes and no... i can't really say without spoiling sorry" Shadow explained.

"I walked down...I walked down to the basement where they had a pool table" deku was seen running down the stairs. " One dude took a running start and threw his body onto the pooltable and broke it in half" it showed bakugo running very fast down the stairs and throwing him self on the pool table.

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