Future Characters,Looks and quirks

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Future Characters, looks and quirks.

'W-What!!, WHAT IF THEY SEE ME THERE...ON NO' Shadow thought while panicking.

"O-Oh this will be h-helpful" Shadow said looking at the screen trying not to panick so much.

Nezu looked at her smirking knowing she is probably panicking inside.

Most people were confused so Shadow stood up and walked to the stage in front of the screen. "T-This means that we get a d-description of the people in the future w-world so you k-know who they are and who there parents are and what there quirks are" Shadow said trying so hard not to studder.

"Oh cool that mean we get to find out what ships had kids" Mina said excitedly.

Shadow just nodded and had a small smile."o-ok wanna g-get started" She asked everyone.

Most people were excited to see if they have kids or not.

The screen comes on and shows the first child.

Name: Kaisa Todoroki-Midoriya

Quirk: Fire,ice,telekinesis and ???

Parents: #1 Pro hero Deku and #2 Pro hero Shoto

Parents real names: Izuku Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki

Likes: Katsudon, Emma and Shailo

Dislikes: Bullying, villains and Retired Pro Hero Endever

Hobbies: Gaming with shailo, playing her phone and Hanging out with friends.

Gamer name: Queen IcyHot


Looks: (with the red on the fire side and the white on her ice side, she doesn't have the animal ears).

Quirk explanation: Fire and ice are just like her father/papa's if she uses them too much she can get burnt or get frost bite

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Quirk explanation: Fire and ice are just like her father/papa's if she uses them too much she can get burnt or get frost bite.
Telekinesis: Like Izuku Midoriya's mum's quirk she can lift thing with her mind but unlike Inko Midoriya she can lift stuff that are as heavy as her own body weight, if she goes over her limit she will get a huge headache.

"Did everyone get that" Shadow asked the crowd. Most nodded and most were shocked that she had 3 or 4 quirks.

"H-How does she have 3 quirks" Mina asked shocked

"Who cares She's hot" Mineta said getting a lightning bolt to the head just enough to knock him out by Shadow with a pissed look on her face.

"Anyway to answer your question mina...we don't really know I was impressed as well at first" Shadow explained looking at the pink skinned girl.

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