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Multiverse found...


"Ohhhhh this is such a good one" Shadow said while smiling widely.

"It sounds funny" mina said chuckling a bit.

"Oh it is my friend, it is indeed" Shadow replied. Before anyone could ask any questions she ran up to the stage and said, " Ok so I need 3 more people to join us" *snap* suddenly the big 3 were standing in the middle of the stage.

"Huh where are we" Mirio said very confused.

"Ok let's explain...again" Shadow said with a bored and excited tone.

After another explanation

"Oh that sounds so cool" Mirio and Nejire said smiling widely, Tamaki was smiling but not as wide as the other two.

They went to find some seats and the screen started.

It showed a tired looking Aizawa in a cashier uniform. " I am a cashier at a farmers market, I'm Michigan" Someone said with a weird tone (I don't know what to call the tone sorry)

"We sell a huge variety of stuff, including fresh shrimp". Someone said as it showed him standing behind a counter or a desk looking bored. " Today a toddler walk up to our shrimp cooler and pfffft"

"Huh" everyone said. "SHHH" Shadow said chuckling. "Just watch" She said again.

It showed Deku, Tamaki and Todoroki looking at a book. Deku about to die of laughter, Tamaki red from laughing and Todo looks confused.

"Oh hey it's you Tamaki" Miro said to his 'friend'. Tamaki just nodded and smiled at his 'friend'.

Deku gave the book to Tamaki and walks off, falls to the floor laughing his ass off banging the floor with his hand.

By now everyone was confused, some chuckled because of Mido's reaction to what they had no clue about...yet.

Tamaki walked over to Deku leaving a Todoroki that looks like he is praying to god or rethinking his life decisions.

"Read it, Read it, Read it, Read it" Tamaki said to the dieing Deku on the floor. Deku kept laughing until he grabbed the book and continued to read it out loud.

"We..pffft...We sell a huge variety of stuff including fresh shimp... Today a toddler...pffft" He said starting to laugh again.

"Today a toddler walks up to our shrimp cooler and started chanting". He said again taking a breath.

Everyone was on the edge of there seats except a couple of people (endeverwhore) and Shadow who was already chuckling alot.

"SHRIMP!!!HEAVEN!!!NOW!!!" Deku said/yelled while chuckling. "Emphasis on the 'now'".

Everyone was laughing (except endeverwhore he just chuckled a bit). The ones who where laughing the most where Shadow and Denki.

"Eventually leading to his mother to say....'please Denki we can't keep doing this'" It showed Sero saying this to Denki and a confused Aizawa in the back ground.

It then switched to the three boys all looking red from laughing so much. Tamaki was dieing on the floor while holding Shoto's shoulder to get up but failing, Deku just put his face in the book (lol Facebook) laughing just as hard and Shoto laughing while clapping his hands.

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