Baby Izuku

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Time skip 2 days later

Everyone heard a bang coming form the theater and rushed to get there. Izuku opened the door and her immediately started to laugh.

He walked in followed by everyone else and saw a brain dead Shailo, Kaisa laughing her ass off on the floor, and Emma trying not to laugh.

"Yeeeee" Shailo said holding both thumbs up. After she said that Emma and eveyone started to laugh really hard.

Shailo was walking around the stage not knowing were she was going. She was walking a bit too close to the edge of the stage.

Kaisa saw this and stopped laughing, she tapped the ground and ice formed under Shailo freezing her feet to the floor of the stage.

Some were sitting in there seats while some were still standing up. Emma walked over to the yeeeeing Shailo, crouched down to her feet, harded her arms and slowly punched the ice away.

"H-How did this happen may I ask" Nezu asks the girls on stage.

"Kaisa stood up with tears in her eyes still laughing a bit. "W-We were...hahahaha...she was trying to zap the screen to turn on but she...pffft... used to much power and now she's brain dead" Kaisa tryed to explain but was failing because of laughing too much.

Eveyone then looked at Emma slowly punching the ice away. "This is gonna take to long" Emma sighed. She then pulled her hand up, opened her fist and faced her palm to the ice. Small explosions started forming to melt the ice.

Kirishima and Bakugo smiled at Emma for having both of there quirks and using it well. While Emma was melting the ice Shailo went back to normal. She was confused for a second before realizing what happened.

Shailo looked down to see Emma melting the ice, she smiled at her friends and then faced the laughing Kaisa on the floor and gave a evil like grin.

Emma looked up and saw that Shailo was back to normal and was about to say something when she saw the grin. Her smile dropped and she started to walk backwards off the stage to her parents.

"Oh She's fucked" Emma whispered to her self. Kiri and Bakugo heard her and gave her a questioning look.

"Shailo hates been laughed at when she goes like that" Emma explained to the people around her.

Back on stage Shailo walked over to Kaisa and stood over her while sparking electricity came out of her hand. Kaisa stopped laughing and said, "oh shit".

Kaisa was electrocuted and passed out. Shailo look at Todo and Mido and smiled. "She's fine just...sleeping" She said looking at the knocked out girl on the floor.

Emma ran over to her girlfriend and picked her up bridle style. "She is so going to freeze you to death when she wakes up" She said to the cat like girl.

"I know" is all Shailo could say before the portal opened back up again and a panicked Matthew and an angry Haro. Haro chasing Matt.

Matt hid behind Shailo for protection. "Help me please Shay" Matt said out of breath. Shailo looked confused and looked at the angry Haro in front of her.

"Haro, What's going on" She said in a stern tone in her voice. "Well this dick head thought it would be funny to put his acid tape shit on my wings" Haro yelled at her.

Shailo's ears went down from the yelling. "Why did you put A.T ( Acid Tape) in his wings Matt?" She asked the boy behind her.

"It was one strip and I did it because I yelled out to him like ten times and he didn't answer me" Matt yelled from behind her.

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