Return and Attack

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The two that were asleep are now awake and standing in the stage wide awake with bright smiles with there partners standing next to them. Oliver and Olivia went back to trying to fix the screen.

"Ok so question time, who's first" Shailo asked the crowd.

Monoma put his hand up.

"Yes Uncle Monoma" Shailo said pointing to him.

"This is to Queen IcyHot, how did you put Bakugo's kid in the hospital for two weeks with out using your quirks" He asked in a calm manner.

Kaisa smiled at the name he used and answered.

"Strategy and Training" She answered while smiling.

Emma shivered remembering what happened.

"Yea we are never versing each other again" Emma said with a worried but small smile on her face.

"That's fine by me I'll just verse Shay" Kaisa said with a closed eyes smile.

Shailo smiled and said, "hell yea you will".

Someone else put there hand up.

"Yes" Shailo said pointing to the person.

"Queen IcyHot, three quirks or four" they asked.

Kaisa giggled at the name they were using, then she had a shocked look on her face as did everyone else on the stage.

"I...ummm" before she could answer the door swung open and out stepped Oliver and Olivia.

"WE FIXED THE SCREEN" Olivia yelled out with a smile.

"Finally what was wrong with it" Shailo yelled back excitedly.

"You must have broke something in it, but I'm still missing a piece for it to not brake again but its backs at school so we might need to go back for a minute...or two" Olivia said nervously.

"So we need to go back home so you can find the final piece?" Haro asked the blue haired girl.

"Y..Yea sorry" Olivia said looking down.

Some looked shocked but some understood.

"W-Wait all o-of us" Shailo asked in a shakey voice.

"Well yea not all of us" Oliver said pointing to the shocked and confused crowd.

"But yea us six" Olivia finished.

"I...I don't know" Shailo said shaking. She started to walk off the stage towards Denki and Hitoshi with her arms crossed.

"Come on Shay please it will just be for a bit" Haro said hoping she would come with them.

Shailo stopped in her tracks and looked back upto the stage.

"*sigh* fine but only for a bit and as an added bonus..." she stopped while walking back up to the stage and looking at everyone with a nervous smile.

" guys can watch us on the screen if you would like" She finished and the crowd all screemed.

"YEA THAT WOULD BE AWESOME" Everyone minus a couple of people screemed at the kids.

Shailo's cat ears went down from the loud screaming and the nerves.

"If we get attacked again I'm sueing" Shailo mumbled only to heard by everyone.

"*sigh* ok let's go" As soon as Shailo said that a portal opened up and they started to walk in one by one.

Shailo and Kaisa were the last ones to go but before they went in Kaisa faced Shailo raised her had to be grabbed and said, "together?".

Shailo looked at her then her parents. Denki and Hitoshi nodded. Shailo looked back and grabbed Kaisa's hand and said, "together". Then they walked in.

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